SS&G wrote
I was not sure how to take his comment...???post experience blues, sour grapes or reality???
"Wait til he sees how hard it is to recruit"!
Keady is nothing if not a straight shooter. He is talking the truth of 5 years trying to lure kids to St,John's. The door is open now because guys are going to the Pro's and they'v e been to the tournament again, but it ain't easy as he alludes to..
Wouldn't you take our two recruiters over the prior two?
if you are speaking of Slice and Matt over Chiles and whomever, I would say yes.
Chiles and Lavin.
And I'd take them any day.
Remember who they brought in their first year.
Stop the hating-Lavin could flat our recruit.
Heard Lavin was going to sign with Fox Sports--Did that happen?