I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
I would never think it was a bad hire regardless of what school hired him. My concern is more that the actual role doesn't allow for him to do very much.
. You make a great point, no special assistant could have come with better credentials than Keady but it's hard to say he was a difference maker. We shall see with Richmond, but I know Mullin well enough that he is not going to bring in anyone who is not committed and hard working.I'm not exactly sure what would be a better qualification for a special assistant than 2 time olympian ( gold medal in 1 ) nba rookie of the year and member of the basketball hall of fame. ( yeah keady had great resume but I think maybe Mitch is going to relate to kids more )
Certainly can't hurt and my guess is having him around school functions can't hurt with donors etc
Most talented coaching staff in the history of college basketball.If not all levels of basketball.
Aside from his accomplishments as a professional player, can someone tell me why this is an outstanding hire beyond his name recognition in recruiting? I trust Mullin based on some of his other hires, but is there anything on Richmond's post NBA resume to suggest this is another amazing hire? I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
Aside from his accomplishments as a professional player, can someone tell me why this is an outstanding hire beyond his name recognition in recruiting? I trust Mullin based on some of his other hires, but is there anything on Richmond's post NBA resume to suggest this is another amazing hire? I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
Just mo but name resignation,being a HOF and experience tips the scales
I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
I would never think it was a bad hire regardless of what school hired him. My concern is more that the actual role doesn't allow for him to do very much.
I'm not implying it's a bad hire, but I was much more excited at the hires of Matt A. and Slice, both of them having recruited for successful programs. I'm more reacting to the posts here, of which some appear to be ecstatic. What am I missing? I don't have the same expectation that having earned $52 million in his NBA career that he will be scouring gyms tirelessly the way Mullin has been doing. Is his role the same as Keady's - special assistant? Will he even be able to talk to players during a game?
Aside from his accomplishments as a professional player, can someone tell me why this is an outstanding hire beyond his name recognition in recruiting? I trust Mullin based on some of his other hires, but is there anything on Richmond's post NBA resume to suggest this is another amazing hire? I mean, had we read that Richmond was hired as a special assistant at Ohio State or somewhere else, would you still think that school hired a gem?
Obviously Richmond came with a big price tag, as did Keady btw. Hopefully Mullin gets his $ out of Mitch in a low level position. I will trust him. Clearly the SJU President has invested in an extremely well paid staff. Kudos to him for taking the risk, but I assume this equation presents its economic challenges. I have great confidence in Mullin getting results in time on the court. Hopefully that success generates ample revenue to make President Bobby satisfied with his return on investment. My guess is Mullin is really working the Wall Street/business alums aggressively. In any event, welcome Mitch.
Obviously Richmond came with a big price tag, as did Keady btw. Hopefully Mullin gets his $ out of Mitch in a low level position. I will trust him. Clearly the SJU President has invested in an extremely well paid staff. Kudos to him for taking the risk, but I assume this equation presents its economic challenges. I have great confidence in Mullin getting results in time on the court. Hopefully that success generates ample revenue to make President Bobby satisfied with his return on investment. My guess is Mullin is really working the Wall Street/business alums aggressively. In any event, welcome Mitch.
Bobby G. fully understands, or was convinced to invest in the branding of the school with basketball as a successful marquee sport. I agree with that concept, but for that to return dividends in terms of enrollment and alumni donations, there must be a return to the top rungs of the big east, a deep dive into the NCAA occasionally, and a team that the city can get behind. Not unlike the Mets we have already seen there there is a huge dormant following for a successful SJU program. The mere hiring of Mullin awakened that in a way that few of us would have anticipated.
As for Richmond, I'm not so sure he will be of much value beyond his name. Coaching is much different than playing, and while the Mullin hire appears to be working out extremely well, it wouldn't have the same impact if Mullin was hired by, say, Maryland. I'd rather have Knight or Pitino teaching - both of whom were marginal players - than Jordan. Again, I'd trust Mullin knows what he is doing and would cut him some slack, and also glad the slot didn't go to Terrence.
Someone on JJ said that the special asst can't work directly w players re coaching. If that's the case he can't work on shooting w players.
Someone on JJ said that the special asst can't work directly w players re coaching. If that's the case he can't work on shooting w players.
If Mullin doesn't get Hardaway as video coordinator then this can only be looked at as a catastrophe![]()
If Mullin doesn't get Hardaway as video coordinator then this can only be looked at as a catastrophe![]()
He could definitely teach our kids confidence -- Richmond was on the radio out here around the time Mullin got hired and the hosts asked him about Hardaway's recent comment that he and Richmond could beat Curry and Thompson in 2-on-2. Mitch tried to distance himself from Hardaway's boasting, though.