Mike Anderson - Former Coach

Since his name is being brought up would Dunlap be a legit option? seemed like we did well while he was here

In my opinion Mike Dunlap has a great basketball mind. He checks the X's & O's box for sure, but may not have the charisma necessary to navigate others facets of the job. I have a lot of respect for him, but wouldn't be my pick either.
Just not sure why people keep focusing on level of talent and recruiting stars. That is not our problem. We are not UCONN or Nova but we have similar talent to PC or Marquette. They just have better coaching/systems to get the best out of the talent they have.
NC Johnnie, I agree half heartedly about your comments on Talent but , think we aren’t close to matching too many of our BE Opponents . I think Marquette will show more talent on the Court tonight than we have .. if you look at their Roster , their guards are long and quick . And , can shoot ! Our guards are small and not good shooters . Their forwards are also long and tall . I think Jones is a better than average shooter but , is streaky and his spins to the hoop are frequently out of control . And , he shoots that 3 from way out and often at the worst times . Him shooting outside also limits him getting many offensive rebounds . He’s not Champ for sure . But , he does contribute but , like some have said , seems disillusioned with CMA. As is Curbelo . Andre , has a very decent floater but , a weak outside shooter . He drives well and can beat his man off the dribble but , seems to be looking for Soriano a bit too much and his interior passes are often stolen . Which I m site is what Coach wants “ get the Ball to Joel.” Which is great but , BE Coaches shut that down quickly and we don’t have the Shooting weapons to offset that . Again , most of us want to see more Storr and less Wusu . The absence of Pinzon , which has not been divulged , is mystifying . He’s not going to right this ship by himself but , has a decent shot . I hope we win tonight but , Marquette is a very good Team right now . It’s a tough match up .
I wish the staff could get more out of Jones. We needed him to be our main scorer and he is not exactly lighting it up from further than 12 feet out.

Coach needs to cut Wusu's minutes. As much as I love his D we can't have the Posh-Wusu combo out there for too long. One has too much confidence and the other has none.
For me, the next two and a half months are about strictly about Pitino. It's time for this University to stop with the gambles. It's time for this University to stop making us look back and say "damn, how good would we would be right now if we just hired that great coach 5 years ago when he wanted to come here." It's put up or shut up time. Either do what Xavier and Marquette did and don't accept mediocrity and go make a big splash or accept that we are no better than DePaul in the grand scheme of things.

Rick Pitino - Head Coach
Steve Masiello - Associate Head Coach and Head Coach in Waiting
Van Macon - Associate Head Coach

Don't care who Rick picks for the the last Assistant spot or DOBO or any of the spots on his staff really. Get him on board and lets win already.
I’ve been to 90% of home games for more years then I can remember and was 70/30 in CMA corner until the Xavier game. Sitting at the game and getting text after text that Sean Miller was coaching the doors of Anderson was disturbing, so I watched the game when I got home. Im convinced whomever agreed to the All Access either wants Anderson fired or is just plain stupid!
The AD and President need to act and fast. While I don’t think anything will happen until after the season, at least put together some sort of committee, that actually knows what a basketball is this time and put some feelers out. I don’t care if it’s Pat Kelsey, a solid choice, or either Pitino, just want to see some solid, smart basketball being played at St. John’s. The fan base is dwindling and season ticket holders are dropping fast. The beer can’t off the bad basketball and crappy new seat backs at “The Oven”, I mean CA.
Im expecting my adopted BE team PC to put a beat down on us Saturday, which will make it even harder to get to “ The Oven” for the Butler game.
I really hate making observations like this and pretending like we know what is going on, but I will say in the all access game, the one thing Mike anderson never stopped doing was coach (more like cheer/yell/mumble but you get the point). Even down 18 he had energy. Last night it looked like he laid down with the rest of the team. That second half was the worst defensive performance I’ve seen from a sju team in a while. And that’s after giving up 88 points to a seton hall team that would rather play in the 60’s.
I anticipated a bottom three or four spot in standings losing two shooters with size in Wheeler & Champy, but getting the two transfers, Jones and Curbelo, gave me some hope. I was never a Curbelo fan, finding him a “me first” type guy who loves the flashy play v making the easy one. Jones seemed appealing with his scoring and offensive rebounding at DePaul and he certainly has his moments, but looks like a “stats seeker”.

I was skeptical that the two small point guard approach would work, especially for Posh. Some say we are not as talented as anticipated, which may be true, but I see chemistry issues. Many skilled HCs go to war with less talent but select guys who can overachieve, with whole team working together, communicating well, moving ball, screening and playing team ball within a structure. Sorry to say Mike’s chaotic approach on D and inability to run stuff in half court is the exact opposite. His calling card was historically solid D, but last night obviously put that to rest.

Some things look promising, but too often fools gold. This roster mix in conjunction with poor direction seems exactly that.
The interesting thing about all of the commentary on here about how Mike Anderson is a terrible coach, is he has been extremely successful in his career. There's no way he suddenly forgot how to coach. It has to be that this mix of players just isn't working, or that like others have mentioned, the game has passed Anderson by and his style will no longer work.
The interesting thing about all of the commentary on here about how Mike Anderson is a terrible coach, is he has been extremely successful in his career. There's no way he suddenly forgot how to coach. It has to be that this mix of players just isn't working, or that like others have mentioned, the game has passed Anderson by and his style will no longer work.
Think its a combo of both for sure.

Also, the Big East is not amazing this year or anything, but the other schools continue to make A+ hires. Even if they hire scumbags (Xavier) they are hiring people who can coach.

If it weren't for Ewing I would probably say Mike A is the weakest coach in the league. Hard to win when that is the case
I’ve been to 90% of home games for more years then I can remember and was 70/30 in CMA corner until the Xavier game.
Kind of my sentiment too.
The fan base is dwindling and season ticket holders are dropping fast.
This problem leads to fewer games at MSG, because we cannot guarantee enough fans to meet the MSG minimum or pay their rent. Less games at MSG continues the spiral of having the team be irrelevant not only in the BE but nationally as well.