Every significant player on our team right now was recruited by Matt A. To put it bluntly, without Matt, there would be no team and the improvement we have seen from last year to this year would not have happened.
For recruiting purposes, this spring and summer are very important. There are three circuits, Nike, Adidas, and UA. Matt cannot be in three places at one time. Some schools have one assistant at each event and the head coach makes an appearance at all of them. Since we can only have 3 Asst. coaches, Richmond and St Jean need to step up and get out there on the circuit. If not, Chris is going to have to make a change. The 2018 and 2019 classes have a lot of talent in the Tri State area, we need to get our share to continue to improve.
If our recruiting effort does not improve, we are definitely in trouble. Recruiting is not a one man job.
Let Goff know our staff is too light right now and we need another recruiter.
If the suggestion is to bring in another person to help Matt recruiting, then unless you are planning for this person to handle administration work, he would have to be given an Assistant Coaching position to actually recruit. We already have the max in Assistants (3). Therefore someone would have to leave or take a lesser position.
I had forgotten that Richmond has been elevated to assistant, from special assistant. On the bench, though, Richmond doesn't seem to interact much with players, same as when he was restricted by his former role.
In terms of Matt A., I will say that some "Fans" have shot him particularly nasty stuff on social media, which he doesn't respond to, that has bothered his family.
It's one thing to be a recruiter for an incredibly successful program, as Norm was for Bill Self at Kansas, and entirely another thing to be successful recruiting at St. John's. Matt is not going to come close to getting every player he goes after, but he appears to be one tenacious, tough mother, which belies his physical stature.
Beast I would hope that Matt, being social media savvy, would be able to ignore most if not all of the negative stuff. He's in the public eye, "fans"(I use that word loosely) are going to post negative and stupid crap. They do it with everyone who is in the public eye. If in fact Matt is not happy, I have a hard time believing social media is part of the reason. Frankly, if it is, that's something he needs to figure out how to deal with. Besides, any real fan of SJU basketball thanks it's lucky stars that we have Matt here. Chris needs to deal with this issue, and fast.