Lol...let's just let L'Ville run down the entire court in 5 seconds before half and make a layup. Typical. So typical. We let them go on like a 15-4 run right before half. Against L'Ville down 9 or 10 at half you are done. This team is playing like pansies now. DRIVE IN THE PAINT. STOP LETTING THEM TAKE IT. All we do is stand around and pass and dribble. BULL your way in the paint. Make them foul us. This game's tide has already turned and it's danger time now. If we come out soft in the first few minutes, the game is over. I'm so mad we don't have Lavin for the 2 most important games. Why can't other teams have this kind of terrible luck? Southerland comes back right on time for us, now Lavin out for 2 HUGE games.
For some reason we just cannot keep these kinds of teams close at half. Can't against Cuse, can't against G'Town, can't against L'Ville. We should at least be keeping it close with ONE of these teams at least to half. We are now down nearly 10 and they haven't even played their best yet.