[quote="Beast of the East" post=344765][quote="Manhattan1" post=344761][quote="Beast of the East" post=344747][quote="Manhattan1" post=344730]I am not sure how this is to be done but I believe the pressure needs to be put on Bobby and Oliva to resign. I think enough has come out recently where they are a detriment to the basketball program and also outside the basketball program. But from hearing lack of support of Mullin, Making Lavin's last two years hell here, and now making Cragg's life hell here I think they both need to go.
I just have no idea on how to go about that.[/quote]
Clearly, while Repole was ranting, there was a fruitful and successful process underway to hone in on the next coach. I don't know if there was any dissent on who to hire, and to what extent Oliva and Gempeshaw's voice, if any, overrode Cragg. But clearly as Repole was hurting our ability to hire a credible candidate with his over the top rant, others were moving towards getting a respectable coach in here, all within 10 days or Mullin's departure.
Read and interpret however you want it, but for my 2 cents, I think Repole was more upset that he wasn't in a position to control the hire.
If you want to gauge how FOS he is, let's see if his love for the university (and us) results in the $10 million donation to renovate CA, as he mentioned to Francesa. My guess is that if he really intended to do it, it would be done already. I'm also guessing that the string attached to that offer, was to control the hire process for a coach.[/quote]
I am not going solely off of Repole's interview. I have heard this from several other people who have had to directly deal with these two individuals in the past.
When the top stinks it trickles down to other things[/quote]
I don't know Oliva, and can only go by what others say. I've met Bobby several times, and I do think he relies on the board significantly for input, and can micromanage at times. OVerall he is a competent administrator who has made vast improvements in academics, attracting quality leaders, and restoring connections to area Catholic HS's to make us a player in college decisions to SJU. You guys are judging Bobby overwhelmingly on basketball.
Today we have a more experienced coach than Hurley, with a solid wining percentage in a top league, who appears to be a solid guy as well. All this was happening as Repole threw a public tantrum because his money couldn't work his way into the inner circle.[/quote]
Sorry Beast, but this is all coming off as spin on your part.
Prior to Repole's Rant, Cragg was NOT being allowed to do his job. Unless the reports are wrong, he wanted Hurley/Cluess and the administration didn't. They wanted Moser, who smartly turned down the job because he knew he wasn't the AD's choice. Then they were looking at Jones. Enter Repole and his outing of Bobby and Joe and their meddling in the process. 24 hours later we have a highly respected HC who was our AD's choice and came with a recommendation from his friends at Duke.
I've seen how this administration has run this program since Fr. Harrington left. I'm not buying that their plan was all along to go through a process that would eventually lead them to getting out of Cragg's way, and that the Repole Rant had nothing to do with it.
Seems more likely from where I'm sitting in the cheap seats that his rant is the ONLY reason Cragg finally got to be Cragg.