Surprised no one asked about the extension at yesterday's press conference. Wonder if the school said that was off limits.
Interesting point. I am curious to see how these discussions unfold relative to length of any extension and guaranteed years. Will SJU be conservative & what will Coach Lavin's reaction be or will things go smoothly? We will see shortly.
My gut tells me one more defection and the discussions may end and if he decides to walk there are 3 or 4 strong candidates with national reps that will line up for a $2 million + plus job in NYC. The pressure is on Lavin to get a couple of ready for college players next month and not in 2016.
I do not see Sampson leaving as a "defection". It is a kid who wants to play pro ball being poorly advised. This leads to a bigger discussion on the expansion of the D league to give kids who have no desire to be in school a place to go, learn and be paid. Francessa touched on this yesterday. Expand the D league and kids can declare out of high school, if they go the college route they have to stay forn3 years. It is done this way in baseball & hockey but the college money making machines in football and basketball may be too adversely effected. Kids do it in baseball all the time. They are then drafted out of both high school and college. It gives the kids a choice; school (scholarship) or pay.