CJ did not play last year because DOM took the lion share of minutes at the 4. CJ was not good at playing the 5 and we all know that DOM was not suited to play the 3. Bottom line CJ and Dom really did not fit well on the court together and DOM got the minutes.
We all know Dom was outstanding last year. But, we also know how desperate we were for another forward to contribute minutes.
Still so amazed with the powerful, hypnotic, lingering effect that Lavin Kool-Aid produces.
CJ played 15 minutes at the end of the season against Nova and scored 2 points. Was anyone on this board lobbying for him to play more minutes after that game?
His playing time has little to do with last year's coach or this year's coach. Anyone coaching this team would be giving him 20 minutes.
And it's nice to see him make the most of his opportunity this season. He put in his time and effort to improve his game.
So far this season, CJ has been declared worthy of big time minutes even on last year's squad, Yakwe was compared to Walter Berry, Mussini an all Big East time of player, Sima already better the Obekpa, Balamou a very good player who may be tried at the point, Ron M. as someone we wish he had for 4 years, and Amar as very much improved. While the is a small hint of truth in some of this the fact is this team has gotten whipped by some very mediocre competition, which points to an overall shortage of talent. Lovett would have helped, but it's just incorrect to believe that his team would be dramatically better while he learned the college game. But hey, for the Lavin haters, every basket is an opportunity to point a finger at Lavin and praise Mullin. I love the coaching change to Mullin, but even to be fair, at this point in their careers, Lavin is the much better coach because Mullin is just learning. Unfortunately we will see more table sitting, gazing into the stands during timeouts. I've yet to hear Mullin say anything strategic during a timeout during a televised game as his comments to the team during timeouts tend to be more inspirational and motivational. But he is getting tons of help from Slice and St. Jean and coaching basketball isn't rocket science, but is a lot different than playing. Some of you will comment that this is Mullin bashing, but I think Mullin would want to be evaluated based on performance and not his HOF career - that alone is reason to bet on him long term.
Please stop with the Lavin hater nonsense, the guy was a lazy con man who's next honest roll up your sleeves day of work will be his first. Sorry but that's the truth. As for Mullin, what nonsense, you judge his coaching by the handful of 20 second snippets during times out on TV? So we should not hate on Lavin for 5 years of crap (yes I know he made the tournament twice but he advanced the program not one bit) but you can judge Mullin on 10 games after inheriting an empty cupboard?
How can you say LAvin did not advance the program one bit? That's nonsense. We hadn't sniffed the NCAAs since Jarvis, and the program was so dead lots of people began murmuring that we should drop from the Big East. 5 years of crap? You mean Harkless, HArrison, Pointer, Obekpa, Jordan, Sampson, Greene, etc? Mussini, proclaimed here as a total Mullin player and accolades givent o Mullin was a Lavin recruit. LAvin's 4 star commit ended up at LSU. Don't get me wrong, Lavin deserved to get released, or at least reduced, but also you guys forget that on here, when the poll was taken, it was overwhelmingly voted that Lavin come back. Five years of crap, well, 4 since that's all he coached, just shows that some people around here have very short memories.
Gee, I thought you never got personal about Lavin - Lazy con man sounds pretty personal.