Keegan Bradley

How great will it be walking Bethpage black following these groups beer in hand and betting on the matchups??? They better go my way otherwise I’ll be like the heckler in Happy Gilmore.
Cannot wait for the new designs for an on campus 18 hole golf course (maybe they can retrofit a miniature version of the original Hillcrest golf course).

Pitino would never retire.
Trust he is BACK IN THE FOLD!
The former AD worked really hard to help mend fences with Keegan, Mark Jackson and others. He connected with many out of touch former athletes in his time here. On that note with a huge assist from JSJ, Gus Alfieri, in failing health was inducted into our Hall of Fame just months before he passed.

Keegan gave one great induction speech (as have many other former athletes).

I'll paraphrase his:

"I arrived at St John's not knowing if I made the right decision. Schools in better climates allow you to golf year round. Then as I settled here, it was clear I made the right choice. I came from a town in Massachusetts where people have to work hard for everything they have. Queens is exactly like that, where people work hard to reach their goals. It was a great fit"

I spoke with Keegan at the cocktail hour and I told him that since he arrived he had a perpetual big smile on his face. He replied, "I'm having such a blast being back here!"

Classy guy. Great honor to captain the Ryder Cup team. One of our finest.
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