Youtube Portland Oregon mall shooting recently, 21 yr old c.c.w draws his firearm on shooter, shooter sees him then turns gun on himself end of threat, probably more dead if c..c.w holder does not take action.
Youtube Portland Oregon mall shooting recently, 21 yr old c.c.w draws his firearm on shooter, shooter sees him then turns gun on himself end of threat, probably more dead if c..c.w holder does not take action.
I understand hunters and people who want to protect their home with a handgun. What I don't get is the need to collect and own some of these assault weapons and semi - automatic repeat fire hand guns and rifles. How many times do you need to shoot a deer before it dies? 10 rounds per second, 50 round clip? What for? We have taken the 2nd amendment too far.
Youtube Portland Oregon mall shooting recently, 21 yr old c.c.w draws his firearm on shooter, shooter sees him then turns gun on himself end of threat, probably more dead if c..c.w holder does not take action.
I'm convinced. I'm getting my piece next week. I wonder if they will let me bring it into CA.
I agree 100%I understand hunters and people who want to protect their home with a handgun. What I don't get is the need to collect and own some of these assault weapons and semi - automatic repeat fire hand guns and rifles. How many times do you need to shoot a deer before it dies? 10 rounds per second, 50 round clip? What for? We have taken the 2nd amendment too far.
Well, in the first place the 2nd amendment allowed citizens the right to bear arms to form a militia to protect the country, it starts with "A well regulated militia being necessary . . .". Not really the same as most people's intents today. It has evolved into folks thinking it says "an unregulated cluster frak of guns being necessary . . ." We don't need a militia anymore so the original intent is moot, unless you think Red Dawn was a documentary.
That said if you need a shotgun under the counter of your business, that makes some sense. You want a handgun under your mattress to help you sleep well at night, I can understand that. You need a rifle because killing animals makes you feel good? Well whatever makes you happy I guess. You need a gun capable of mowing down a crowd of dozens of innocents in less than 30 seconds? I have a problem with that. I felt the same last Thursday.
Lets outlaw any vehicle that can go over 80mph since thats the max speed limit on any highway in the US. Speed kills and in the wrong hands i.e. the kid in the subaru that killed 4 passengers. lets outlaw cigarettes since they cause cancer, birth defects to smokers and non-smokers. Ban alcohol since people still can't grasp the concept of not drinking and driving.
Lets outlaw any vehicle that can go over 80mph since thats the max speed limit on any highway in the US. Speed kills and in the wrong hands i.e. the kid in the subaru that killed 4 passengers. lets outlaw cigarettes since they cause cancer, birth defects to smokers and non-smokers. Ban alcohol since people still can't grasp the concept of not drinking and driving.
Your "combat style" weapon response proves you know very little about firearms, and what semi-automatic as opposed to automatic means.
Lets outlaw any vehicle that can go over 80mph since thats the max speed limit on any highway in the US. Speed kills and in the wrong hands i.e. the kid in the subaru that killed 4 passengers. lets outlaw cigarettes since they cause cancer, birth defects to smokers and non-smokers. Ban alcohol since people still can't grasp the concept of not drinking and driving.
Handguns kill more people each year than rifles or "assault weapons". Hand, fist and feet kill more people than rifles do each year. So if your honest with this debate, you want all guns taken away. In a perfect world that would be great.