No proof we are even involved let's relax until he releases a list and see if we are on it.
I don't understand this kind of thinking.
We're not supposed to be somewhat happy about a recruit that passed us up one year ago possibly transferring?
Should we sit on our hands until his list comes out?
If he doesn't consider us, handler and all, fine. But what exactly do we need to relax about?
Hasn't Mason from Niagra's name been thrown around here for months and the kid isn't even leaving? What about Omar Calhoun?
If Lavin does his job like he's supposed to do, he has to make that call. We should be expecting him to do so, handler or not.
Not much to get excited about around these parts recently. We have ships and a gaping hole in '15.
We should be excited.
You can't make contact until he gets his formal release. To add, you have to make sure there are no stipulations in the release that he can't transfer to your school.
As fans, we can get excited. Even the Staff can, but making contact before the release is official can get you in serious trouble.
Thank you when I said "we may want to wait...." I was half joking as SJU has no choice.
I know