Balamou is so much smarter and more skilled than Dom. All the SF minutes have to go to Balamou.
What has Balamou done today that suggests that? I'm not knocking Felix's game but he hasn't touched the ball today other than nice assist to branch.
He took a bad pass and turned it into a pretty assist. He also had a great swing to Amar that resulted in a wide open three pointer.
It's really more of what he doesn't do (unlike Dom): crazy out of control dribbling, stupid fouls, turnovers at the worst possible moments, etc.
I agree Dom does make some boneheaded plays, but Dom has had some nice plays today too. Dom has played decent today. I think Felix has a chance to do some good things this year, but he hasn't done nearly enough today for me to say he deserves more time than what he's been given today
Dom has some good takes, but realize he is driving against D-2 PFs. He just makes so many dumb plays. Who fouls that far from the basket routinely?
Our best lineup includes Dom, though. Branch-Harrison-Jordan-Pointer-Obekpa
PF is going to be a much bigger problem than I thought. Pointer needs to step up big time.