Typical realfan trolling thread where he has to take a shot at Lavin....Most everyone can see right through this BS and I'm not sure why he's allowed to continue to troll here...It really takes away from the site, IMO
You guys probably know his style better than me since I'm still fairly new to this. But can we please stop calling for people's heads who have the "audacity" to have a different opinion? IMO it's refreshing and makes for a much more lively forum. There seems to be some strange sentiment that being positive is always the right and truthful outlook. Just because someone questions our program or coach does not mean he's "trolling", but simply has another opinion that he's entitled to. This is a constant vibe I've noticed on this forum with many different people. Trolling is when people purposely go on wild tangents or spam a board just to be annoying. Trolling is not the same as having a differing opinion. Just throwing that out there.
You said a mouthful.... You don't know the history of the OP, so why expound on it?
Most people know the difference between differing opinions versus flat-out irrational, stirring the pot crap.
No offense, but I'm not surprised to see you come to the rescue, per se'.
By the way, here is the definition of trolling.....
In Internet slang, a troll is a person troll who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
"Deliberate" is the key word. What's the evidence he is purposely trying to stir the pot? From my vantage point all I see is another view on the same topic (he wasn't going off like in your definition of trolling). Some of you need to relax and stop judging people so hard on here. It's a damn forum. This whole high school girl cliques sitting separately in the cafeteria is getting old. We are talking sports...it's supposed to be laid back and safe here, not a high school cafeteria environment. It wouldn't surprise me if it was a forum of 18 yr olds and twentysomethings, but many of you are married with kids. The snide remarks wear on people after a while, and we are all fans of the same team so it makes zero sense. It seems some on here want to be on their own little island full of "yes men" bobbleheads than experience a world of different opinions. Not everything is black and white...some of you forget the grey area.
I, particularly do not have a problem with you (like others have with you), but you don't get it.
Your last sentence is irony at its best. Pot meet kettle. You're certainly one who paints things black and white.
You can make a case that everyone paints things black and white at some point on here, but the difference is that I don't attack people I don't agree with. I will make my case and let them make theirs. When people state their opinions, is it not more mature to hear theirs out before condemning them and belittling them? It would make much more sense to show evidence contrary to their belief instead of calling them a "troll". Some famous scientist once said "When you present an argument and the other side resorts to name calling, it's a flattering sign because you have won". Having a condescending culture on here will definitely not attract new members or encourage passerby's to voice their opinions on here. Fanbases are not supposed to be divided hurling eggs at each other...they should be together despite their various opinions.
With that said I admitted before I'm still fairly new so maybe I missed big developments in the past, but either way he's only one of the people I see getting crucified over different opinions on here.
I am new to posting on this board and I have to agree. There is no reason people can't express there concern over future recruiting without constantly being told it will work out or in Lavin we trust.
During our honeymoon period with Mike Jarvis, I had the audacity to question whether he was quite as pius as he was presenting himself to be. Something about him just rubbed me the wrong way from the get go. I was immediately chastised for having the gall to question the the almighty Mike Jarvis. I was so ticked off that I stopped posting (not that I had so much to add lol) for a while. There's a big difference between someone who's a troll and someone who's opin might not jive with the general consensus. I have the utmost faith in Steve Lavin (after some initial reservations), but I for one welcome differing opinions, even if they are not mine.