Fordham, Mon., Nov. 4, 6:30p, FS-1

Totally understand your point. It's the first game of the season and also the first time RJ has been truly healthy here at SJU. He showed some frustration and had a lapse in judgement. I think you'll see his maturity truly blossom as the season goes on. He is a key member of this team and it's safe to say he understands that.
I am not saying you are wrong but why is it safe to say that? More wishful thinking than safe to say at this point IMO. But no sense in discussing Luis anymore, he obviously is teflon, so my last mention.
This thread is about the Fordham game. Please check to see if you are in the correct thread for your post. Thanks.
If all you are about in judging players and teams are stats, I understand. But I, and others, go beyond that, and also factor in an eye test. And you choose to focus on one stat, scoring, and totally ignore a very telling one, 5 fouls, really 6 factoring in the tech, in 13 minutes.
As for cutting him some slack, why? He was cut slack via the shin excuse all last year and with that resolved still played the EXACT same game he was cut some slack for all too often last year. How about trying maturing on the court?
That's the thing, I'm not at all about judging the players. Maybe I should be more critical now that they are being paid very good money to play, but I don't see the point in taking a kid to task for being human. In the end, I'm a fan and will try to enjoy the team that coach puts on the floor. If all you are about is judging players and teams, that's your prerogative. I think that complaining helps a lot of members blow off steam and get through the good and the bad times. I'll cut you some slack ;)
Nice to hear Ponds was at game , Anyone know what he’s doing these days ? Playing overseas ?
Too bad he didn’t have better supporting casts while he was here .
I know Simon was a favorite of many . Me too . But , while he wasn’t as bad a shooter as Clark, he wasn’t lights out either
He could play defense though .
Still , nice to see former Players attending a game or 2 .
Marvin Clark struggled mightily down the stretch of our ncaa team but he was a much better shooter than Simon