It's very difficult to predict the future of compensation of college athletes at the major D1 level.
However anyone feels about supporting NIL, without that support, we cannot even begin to compete at this level. By next season,"payrolls", will approach $2.5-$3 million. If the donors don't support it next season, we don't have a program, period. Not a single high level player will come here without being paid.
By implementing NIL, the NCAA added $1-4 million to the cost of operating a high level D1 basketball program. If the schools themselves take over paying players, some schools who raise large sums of donor contributions to the athletic departments can absorb those costs. Perhaps NIL will transform to college paying salaries, but the need for donors to support it will be the difference between winning and losing.
Overall, the numbers needed to run a major program are staggering for a private university. New on campus arena? $100 million. New athletic practice facilities (in our case conversion of Taffner) $30 million. Building a new student athletic and wellness facility $75 million.
Get used to UCONN dominating the league as long as they stay in the Big East. Public universities are funded by tax dollars and private contributions. So taxpayers are supporting public schools, a huge benefit.
Each team perpetually having success in the Big East is well funded by donors. There's a reason DePaul is a perennial bottom dweller. Georgetown won't stay on the bottom.
A great coach isn't enough. What successful coach would come to a program without a solid NIL (salary) capability or decent facilities including arena.
Winning comes at a cost. If we win enough we can fill an arena. What will the cost be? Right now you can't get a good seat to a broadway play for under $200, and a very good sest for under $350. Concert ticket prices also through the roof. A college team has to generate ticket revenue in 16-18 h home dates. Do the math. A number of our fans say $40 is too much for a college ticket in NYC. It just doesn't work without donor support, suckers footing the bill, even at public universities.
The truth is, those costs don't even guarantee small successes. It's just the price of admission to play at the high rollers table.
Grim outlook st 2 a.m. Solution above my pay grade but thank God for the big donors investing in basketball success.