Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech

From ABC news - not exactly a right wing outlet:

Here are some of the most damaging finds from the leak:

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Calls Sanders Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver an "A--" and a "Liar"

In May, the Democratic Nevada State Convention became rowdy and got out of hand in a fight over delegate allocation. When Weaver went on CNN and denied any claims violence had happened, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, once she was notified of the exchange, wrote "Damn liar. Particularly scummy that he never acknowledges the violent and threatening behavior that occurred."

In another instance, right before the Nevada Convention, Weaver publicly commented, "I think we should go to the [national] convention." The chairwoman was flagged about this comment and responded in an e-mail, "he is an a--."

Highlighting Sanders' Faith

One email shows that a DNC official contemplated highlighting Sanders' alleged atheism -- even though he has said he is not -- during the primaries as a possibility to undermine support with voters.

"It may make no difference but for KY and WA can we get someone to ask his belief," Brad Marshall, CFO of the DNC wrote in an email on May 5, 2016. "He had skated on having a Jewish heritage. I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My southern baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist"

Building a Narrative Against Sanders

"Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess," DNC National Secretary Mark Paustenbach wrote in an email to National Communications Director Luis Miranda on May 21. After detailing ways in which the Sanders camp was disorganized, Paustenbach concludes, "it's not a DNC conspiracy it's because they never had their act together."

The idea was nixed though. "True," Miranda acknowledged in his response. "But the chair has been advised not to engage. So we'll have to leave it alone."

Lamentations That Sanders Is Not a 'True' Democrat

As the primary season wore on, the chairwoman appeared to grow exasperated with Sanders' desire to stay in the race, when the delegate math was against him, in one email even lamenting the fact that he was an independent in the Senate but ran as a Democrat in the primaries. In an April 24 email she received with an article describing the ways Sanders felt the DNC was undermining his campaign, she wrote back, "spoken like someone who has
Did you read the NY Times article or just decide to write 1,500 words to share your thoughts with us? White, black, red, green or yellow, Trump's a racist.

Wish George RR Martin had you on staff. Would have had the rest of the ASOIAF books done long ago.

To assign the word racist to any caucasian person today is done today as a broad reaching indictment designed to mostly disqualify and defame. For those who are listening, the repeated use of the word begins to speak more to the accuser than the accused:

1) In recent years we've heard sweeping indictments of cops being called racist, even as officers involved in a deadly confrontation were black themselves.
2) George Zimmerman was branded a racist despite being 1/2 Latino and having African American Girlfriends.
3) A cop in Cambridge Mass was branded as a racist for asking a black Harvard professor for identification when the professor was having difficulty unlocking his front door and some sort of argument ensued when the professor took exception to the request.

At face value, Trump has said what many consider racially insensitive for his comments about wanting to keep illegal immigrants from crossing the border and adding that some of them come here to commit crimes. HE also called for a ban on Muslims entering this country until we can figure out who the terrorists are. With better use of language, many if not most Americans would agree with that sentiment.

Apparently, the Trump corporation hires many minority employees, promotes some into positions of responsbility, and pays them well. His Corporation has a disproportionate number of female executives, and reportedly pay them on an equal scale to men in similar positions.

When he claimed that the primary process was rigged to elect party favorites, he was 1000% correct, and now the wikileaks have validated that egregious and horrific plans to attack Sanders both for being a Jew in the south (where being Jewish doesn't play well) and an atheist as well.

You would think that the preumptive party nominee would run a million miles from the persons behind these plans to manipulate the results of the primaries to insure her victory. Instead, Clinton immediately hire Debbie Wasserman Schultz to reward her for her dishonesty.

I am unsure of how good a President Trump will make. I am in favor though of running government like a business - you know, simple things like spending less than you take in, and trying to grow prosperity instead of taxing more. Of course, these are novel concepts, and the uncertainty of a Trump Presidency for me is offset by the certainty that Hillary Clinton is an incompetent liar who alienates the majority of Americans, and whose meddling into foreign affairs with no resume to do so has made shambles of the middle east and given rise to ISIS, even as Iraq was becoming a stable nation.

No one is convinced in political discussions, but I have had some very good off line dialogue with those on here who can be civil even with an opposing view. For my part however, I'm done with following party lines of demonizing those with malice and without much evidence.

Has he uttered a single anti-black sentiment? I'm not opposed to civil dialogue when the other party is capable, or else I will pass. Thanks - have a good one.

So you didn't read the article. Thanks - have a good one as well.

The Washington Post piece isn't an article - It's clearly labeled an opinion. Like most hit pieces it offers generalizations and was not well researched.

For example:

1) Donald Trump has no electoral experience, and the first since Dwight D. Eisenhower to gain a party's nomination. This is true, but several over recent years has tried to gain their party's nomination without electoral experience, such as Ralph Nader and Ross Perot. To some extent Trump's nomination is a manifestation of the neophyte Obama gaining the Presidency after declaring candidacy after serving only 150 days as a Senator.

2) Commentary on Muslims celebrating 9/11. Although that has long been rumored to have occurred no one can produce evidence of it. However, there was a much repeated video clip from the middle east of people dancing in the street and a toothless woman handing out candy to children in celebration.

3) Trump has been critical of trade deals, China;s manipulation of their currency, the loss of manufacturing jobs and outsourcing of jobs. What the article omits is that Trump has been critical of the US removing sanctions, releasing billions of $ of frozen funds and giving Iran nuclear capability while getting nothing in return. Kerry did offer that the US would monitor their use of nuclear development to preclude weapons development. The ink was barely dry before Iran said like hell you will - the US is out enemy. Would you like to discuss Cuba? Millions of Cubans oppressed by a dictatorship that is on its last gasps as there is no longer support from the Soviets - Raul Castro does, and likely the government crumbles. What does the US do? Remove sanctions without even addressing a single human rights violation. For all of it's pro gay posturing, in the Iran deal, the US failed to even mention the torture and murder of gays in Iran and other parts of the middle east.

So, not for you, but for others who would like to discuss chapter and verse a position paper in the Time or Post that is extremely slanted, I am more than capable.

I asked about the Times article. Not the Post. Thanks again.
Did you read the NY Times article or just decide to write 1,500 words to share your thoughts with us? White, black, red, green or yellow, Trump's a racist.

Wish George RR Martin had you on staff. Would have had the rest of the ASOIAF books done long ago.

To assign the word racist to any caucasian person today is done today as a broad reaching indictment designed to mostly disqualify and defame. For those who are listening, the repeated use of the word begins to speak more to the accuser than the accused:

1) In recent years we've heard sweeping indictments of cops being called racist, even as officers involved in a deadly confrontation were black themselves.
2) George Zimmerman was branded a racist despite being 1/2 Latino and having African American Girlfriends.
3) A cop in Cambridge Mass was branded as a racist for asking a black Harvard professor for identification when the professor was having difficulty unlocking his front door and some sort of argument ensued when the professor took exception to the request.

At face value, Trump has said what many consider racially insensitive for his comments about wanting to keep illegal immigrants from crossing the border and adding that some of them come here to commit crimes. HE also called for a ban on Muslims entering this country until we can figure out who the terrorists are. With better use of language, many if not most Americans would agree with that sentiment.

Apparently, the Trump corporation hires many minority employees, promotes some into positions of responsbility, and pays them well. His Corporation has a disproportionate number of female executives, and reportedly pay them on an equal scale to men in similar positions.

When he claimed that the primary process was rigged to elect party favorites, he was 1000% correct, and now the wikileaks have validated that egregious and horrific plans to attack Sanders both for being a Jew in the south (where being Jewish doesn't play well) and an atheist as well.

You would think that the preumptive party nominee would run a million miles from the persons behind these plans to manipulate the results of the primaries to insure her victory. Instead, Clinton immediately hire Debbie Wasserman Schultz to reward her for her dishonesty.

I am unsure of how good a President Trump will make. I am in favor though of running government like a business - you know, simple things like spending less than you take in, and trying to grow prosperity instead of taxing more. Of course, these are novel concepts, and the uncertainty of a Trump Presidency for me is offset by the certainty that Hillary Clinton is an incompetent liar who alienates the majority of Americans, and whose meddling into foreign affairs with no resume to do so has made shambles of the middle east and given rise to ISIS, even as Iraq was becoming a stable nation.

No one is convinced in political discussions, but I have had some very good off line dialogue with those on here who can be civil even with an opposing view. For my part however, I'm done with following party lines of demonizing those with malice and without much evidence.

Has he uttered a single anti-black sentiment? I'm not opposed to civil dialogue when the other party is capable, or else I will pass. Thanks - have a good one.

So you didn't read the article. Thanks - have a good one as well.

The Washington Post piece isn't an article - It's clearly labeled an opinion. Like most hit pieces it offers generalizations and was not well researched.

For example:

1) Donald Trump has no electoral experience, and the first since Dwight D. Eisenhower to gain a party's nomination. This is true, but several over recent years has tried to gain their party's nomination without electoral experience, such as Ralph Nader and Ross Perot. To some extent Trump's nomination is a manifestation of the neophyte Obama gaining the Presidency after declaring candidacy after serving only 150 days as a Senator.

2) Commentary on Muslims celebrating 9/11. Although that has long been rumored to have occurred no one can produce evidence of it. However, there was a much repeated video clip from the middle east of people dancing in the street and a toothless woman handing out candy to children in celebration.

3) Trump has been critical of trade deals, China;s manipulation of their currency, the loss of manufacturing jobs and outsourcing of jobs. What the article omits is that Trump has been critical of the US removing sanctions, releasing billions of $ of frozen funds and giving Iran nuclear capability while getting nothing in return. Kerry did offer that the US would monitor their use of nuclear development to preclude weapons development. The ink was barely dry before Iran said like hell you will - the US is out enemy. Would you like to discuss Cuba? Millions of Cubans oppressed by a dictatorship that is on its last gasps as there is no longer support from the Soviets - Raul Castro does, and likely the government crumbles. What does the US do? Remove sanctions without even addressing a single human rights violation. For all of it's pro gay posturing, in the Iran deal, the US failed to even mention the torture and murder of gays in Iran and other parts of the middle east.

So, not for you, but for others who would like to discuss chapter and verse a position paper in the Time or Post that is extremely slanted, I am more than capable.

I asked about the Times article. Not the Post. Thanks again.

Honest question: Since you accuse Donald Trump of being a racist and being intolerant, how you reconcile that with the DNC's strategy to contemplate using Sander's Jewish heritage and his atheism against him?
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

It's hard to defend language like that, and since it was uttered extemporaneously, but to me at least it was clear that he meant that among the decent people in search of jobs there was an influx of violent criminals. In the 80s when the US allowed political refugees from Cuba, Castro opened up prisoners to let violent offenders flow into the US.

As to your point, neither candidate would be in my top 50 list for the Presidency. Sounds like yours too. As to your point about Trump, I do believe he will defend Israel much better than the Obama administration has.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

You do realize that his daughter, Ivanka, married one of your people, and converted to Judaism.
Also, just curious as to who you rank ahead of Islamic terrorists as threats to Jews/Israel?
II would imagine that Trump has employed in one way or another thousands of minorities over the course of his time in business, usually during election time people come out of wood work to make claims of this and that. From DIck Morris to former Secret Service officers people have made claims about hillary. So far with Trump you have students suing his defunct school. I have yet to see a person, white black spanish purple or green claim trump in any way of being anti anything.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

You do realize that his daughter, Ivanka, married one of your people, and converted to Judaism.
Also, just curious as to who you rank ahead of Islamic terrorists as threats to Jews/Israel?

I would think Hamas would have to be at the top of the list, but I wouldn't put ISIS to far behind.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

You do realize that his daughter, Ivanka, married one of your people, and converted to Judaism.
Also, just curious as to who you rank ahead of Islamic terrorists as threats to Jews/Israel?

Neo-Nazis throughout Europe who very well could take over as they did in the 1930's. Russia and the former Soviet republics consolidating which were more anti-Semitic historically then Germany. Others but don't want to drag this on.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

You do realize that his daughter, Ivanka, married one of your people, and converted to Judaism.
Also, just curious as to who you rank ahead of Islamic terrorists as threats to Jews/Israel?

Neo-Nazis throughout Europe who very well could take over as they did in the 1930's. Russia and the former Soviet republics consolidating which were more anti-Semitic historically then Germany. Others but don't want to drag this on.

Ivanka is pretty attractive but feel sorry for the Jewish guy she married. She rules that relationship.
As an arm's length observer in Canada, the nominating process and conventions have been the best/most ridiculous theatre this side of reality television. Jeez, you're a step away from a political version of "Bachelor in Paradise" with the silliness that has characterized these campaigns.

I hope you can sort it out because we all know the value of a strong, stable American government, but I've not seen much that gives me hope for the next four years.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

You do realize that his daughter, Ivanka, married one of your people, and converted to Judaism.
Also, just curious as to who you rank ahead of Islamic terrorists as threats to Jews/Israel?

Neo-Nazis throughout Europe who very well could take over as they did in the 1930's. Russia and the former Soviet republics consolidating which were more anti-Semitic historically then Germany. Others but don't want to drag this on.

Can't help it - you are more worried about the "maybes and mights" a continent away than the enemy sworn to destroy you knocking on your door? With all due respect because it is your fear to own, that is difficult to understand.
I am continually amazed that Jewish Americans who oppose Trump, who comprise roughly 50% of the world's Jewish population see a clear danger in Donald Trump, but are silent on giving nuclear capability to Iran who continually verballze that they will blow Israel off the map, or Palestinians who don't want peace, they want Jerusalem, or the threat of the Muslims nations in the Middle east who would like Israel destroyed. These are the same people who stood silently by when in 2008 the Democratic Party deliberately excluded defense of Israel from the party platform at the DNC, and when it could only be added back by proclamation at the convention, the choruses of boos shouted it down. Only when Obama feared a Jewish backlash and illegally added it back in against the rules of the DNC did it go back. It's completely mind boggling that any American Jew can ignore rhetoric from murderous Islamic states against Israel but be terrified by words of Donald Trump. They ignore that the Democratic Party schemed against Bernie Sanders, who had the chance to become the first Jewish Candidate for President, but are somehow concerned that Donald Trump wants immigration laws to be enforced.

They rail against Donald Trump for being completely against accepting Syrian refugees into the US (on the basis that they cannot be vetted), but are silent when Israel remains Syria's only neighbor which has still not accepted displaced persons and refugees fleeing the armed conflict. The contradictions are startling and mind boggling,

Why Jewish Americans continue to support a party that is turning its back on Israel is completely perplexing.
Trump said that all of Latin America is sending us rapists and criminals. That is racist to me. As a Jew, I know there is a ton of anti-semitism throughout the world which is a greater danger to me than ISIS ever will be. Wasserman is evil and so is Hillary. That doesn't change the fact that Trump and his dead Father are certainly no friends of my people.

What do you make of this? :"The DOJ alleged that former staffer Harry Schefflin, who worked at Trump’s Briarwick apartment complex in 1973, told government investigators that he was personally ordered to rent only to “Jews and executives”"
I don't get anyone Jewish being scared of Trump. Spanish people definitely have legitimate beef with him
I don't get anyone Jewish being scared of Trump. Spanish people definitely have legitimate beef with him

Most of my good friends are Jewish, not one of the is scared of Trump. Some of them are even voting for him.
I don't get anyone Jewish being scared of Trump. Spanish people definitely have legitimate beef with him

Most of my good friends are Jewish, not one of the is scared of Trump. Some of them are even voting for him.

For me I'd say it's a 50/50 tie of my jewish friends voting for Trump or against him but the ones voting against him are just Pro Hillary it's not that they are voting based on fear that Trump is against them.

Now Spanish probably 90% of the people I know pretty much are voting against him because they think he is against them including my own fiancee and I can't blame them for that. Ironically a lot of them want a wall up too but he has made some pretty stupid comments and over generalizations. If I was them I'd probably vote for Hillary or democrats also because repubs haven't done a good job with inclusion in that respect and that is going hurt the party big time in the long run since their demographics are changing so much in the country
I don't get anyone Jewish being scared of Trump. Spanish people definitely have legitimate beef with him

Most of my good friends are Jewish, not one of the is scared of Trump. Some of them are even voting for him.

For me I'd say it's a 50/50 tie of my jewish friends voting for Trump or against him but the ones voting against him are just Pro Hillary it's not that they are voting based on fear that Trump is against them.

Now Spanish probably 90% of the people I know pretty much are voting against him because they think he is against them including my own fiancee and I can't blame them for that. Ironically a lot of them want a wall up too but he has made some pretty stupid comments and over generalizations. If I was them I'd probably vote for Hillary or democrats also because repubs haven't done a good job with inclusion in that respect and that is going hurt the party big time in the long run since their demographics are changing so much in the country

I do understand Hispanics having a major problem with Trump. Part of it is what he's said, a bigger part of it is how he's said it. He has continuously put his foot in his mouth. He has had ample time to at least attempt to extend a olive branch to the Hispanic community, but had refused to do so. Do date it hasn't hurt him, we'll see if it hurts him enough in the general election to cost him the presidency.
I just wish that I could get to vote for a candidate who did not attend a Ivy League school. Enough already. Their sense of entitlement knows no limit, and they will never acknowledge a mistake.