To assign the word racist to any caucasian person today is done today as a broad reaching indictment designed to mostly disqualify and defame. For those who are listening, the repeated use of the word begins to speak more to the accuser than the accused:
1) In recent years we've heard sweeping indictments of cops being called racist, even as officers involved in a deadly confrontation were black themselves.
2) George Zimmerman was branded a racist despite being 1/2 Latino and having African American Girlfriends.
3) A cop in Cambridge Mass was branded as a racist for asking a black Harvard professor for identification when the professor was having difficulty unlocking his front door and some sort of argument ensued when the professor took exception to the request.
At face value, Trump has said what many consider racially insensitive for his comments about wanting to keep illegal immigrants from crossing the border and adding that some of them come here to commit crimes. HE also called for a ban on Muslims entering this country until we can figure out who the terrorists are. With better use of language, many if not most Americans would agree with that sentiment.
Apparently, the Trump corporation hires many minority employees, promotes some into positions of responsbility, and pays them well. His Corporation has a disproportionate number of female executives, and reportedly pay them on an equal scale to men in similar positions.
When he claimed that the primary process was rigged to elect party favorites, he was 1000% correct, and now the wikileaks have validated that egregious and horrific plans to attack Sanders both for being a Jew in the south (where being Jewish doesn't play well) and an atheist as well.
You would think that the preumptive party nominee would run a million miles from the persons behind these plans to manipulate the results of the primaries to insure her victory. Instead, Clinton immediately hire Debbie Wasserman Schultz to reward her for her dishonesty.
I am unsure of how good a President Trump will make. I am in favor though of running government like a business - you know, simple things like spending less than you take in, and trying to grow prosperity instead of taxing more. Of course, these are novel concepts, and the uncertainty of a Trump Presidency for me is offset by the certainty that Hillary Clinton is an incompetent liar who alienates the majority of Americans, and whose meddling into foreign affairs with no resume to do so has made shambles of the middle east and given rise to ISIS, even as Iraq was becoming a stable nation.
No one is convinced in political discussions, but I have had some very good off line dialogue with those on here who can be civil even with an opposing view. For my part however, I'm done with following party lines of demonizing those with malice and without much evidence.