Well-known member
Not doubting the story is true, but given the events of the past 2 days, maybe now is not the best time to be running with this topic.
Are you referring to the Te'o story?? If so, I'm not following your point.
All it means is that, for the time being, anytime the loss of a loved one is going to be brought up by someone, especially in a hard luck case, it will be natural (at least for me) to take a step back and say, "are the players and/or team embellishing this"?
Again, I have no reason to believe that the story is not true. But given the Te'o thing, I'd be lying if I said something like that didn't at least cross my mind.
Again, I thought it was true all the way. But come on, next time you here something like this, you're gonna say that's not gonna cross your mind? Even for at least a split second?
No. Because the majority of society is not like that.