Class of 72
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Marist is clearly not an "Average" school for undergrad. Average would be going to a SUNY like Oneonta, Cortland, or going to Suffolk or Nassau CC. Marist accepts 36% of applicants making it a top 100 or 150 in the nation I believe in terms of selectivity. By the way, that's out of thousands of colleges. Its nickname is not "Harvard on the Hudson" for nothing. My sister had a 4.0 and an nearly a 2000 on the new SAT and got rejected at Marist. IQ has only risen, you can go look it up yourself.
"No one takes the Bible literally any more as you know"
No I don't know that. I know many DO take the Bible literally today. There was some poll where like 50% of Americans believe the Bible literally. That is VERY scary I think we can both agree. You have all these hateful groups like the Tea Party and the Westboro Baptist Church who believe in literal interpretations and prevent civil rights as a result. It's nonsense.
"No one takes the Bible literally any more as you know"
No I don't know that. I know many DO take the Bible literally today. There was some poll where like 50% of Americans believe the Bible literally".
You see Joe, even a Marist grad can learn something new! Those 50% you quote must be southern Baptists! LOL! Most Catholic theologians have a very "modern" interpretation of the Bible today.
Marist is an excellent school and its student profile is very similar to Villanova----White, upper-middle class and from the suburbs. Visit Chaminade HS and visit Marist and the only difference in the students will be that the Marist kids will be a little older. That has a lot to do with its academic profile. Although many of the Marist grads claim to be liberal, left-leaning progressives, by the time they marry they are most likely to marry a fellow Catholic, in a Catholic ceremony, in a "White", upper-middle-class Lonnng Island town and live in a highly segregated community and eventually record every show that Bill O'Reilly is on. LOL!
A daughter of a close friend in a LI community recently was accepted to Marist. She was also accepted to SJ on a full scholarship. She will have to
(the parents will have to) pay her own way. I asked her dad why would she give up a full ride when he was already paying for 2 other kids at private colleges Whatever is nice to have you in the 50% Catholic St. John's University. We accept atheists such as you unlike the Campus Ministry at Marist that you may have belonged to for better housing. LOL!
and he said SJ was "too diversified" for their daughter.
Then why apply?
Did she think all the minorities were going to transfer out?
They compared the visits to the schools and needless to say, Marist was very "different". It is one thing to see statistics on paper and another to see it in person. Half of the SJ tour group were minorities while at Marist it was less than 10 %. When you have lived in suburban Suffolk county all your life, that is a huge disparity for some.