Can you cite a single scientific study that conclusively proved God doesn't and never did exist? Can you measure what isn't human by human means? Of course, someone like yourself and your friends can conclude that because you cannot see something, it cannot exist. Can you explain why humans are so far superior to other mammals? Can you explain by science by Humans take in air, and emit carbon dioxide, and then trees through photsynthesis produce oxygen? Can you explain the existence of a planet suitable for life by any other terms than a highly improbable random series of events? If you believe as most scientists do, that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, why would you accept that when you haven't seen them or talked to them. You see, what some people fail to comprehend is that the world and universe is a little too complex to be fully understood by human terms. On the other hand, you'd probably accept that there are aliens living in some far off galaxy while you've already rejected that their can be an author of that. I honestly don't believe that you are capable of rational thought to even process what I've just wrote without first seeking to reject it - which is the first sign of an indoctrinated, close minded person - in other words, on the way to being brainwashed.
I do not believe you are capable of comprehneding how offensive your posts are to a person of faith. You claim brainwashing, but clearly you are undergoing an indoctrination into a radical atheist movement that wants to seize power (their proclamations of wanting representation in political poistions) and also mock and remove religion from our society. As such the movement you belong to have a manifesto, a purpose, and a goal. When they hold rallies that people will travel hundreds of miles to, their purpose isn't just to bring attention to themselves, but the speakers are their to influence the membership and reinforce a message to attendees.
As I previously stated, anti intellectualism at its finest. Just because Science hasn't explained it yet doesn't mean it's magic. I've found no scientific evidence that Zeus didn't exist either, must be he was real too, and those aliens from Scientology while we're at it.
The problem with your logic is that atheism is NOT an intellectual pursuit. It's simply a rejection of the possibility of God. Atheists have no problem accepting what science cannot comprehend in the physical realm, which is well within the limits of scientific measurement, but you reject what is spiritual because it cannot be touched, measured by science, or even verified. I would think you have a right to your own beliefs or non-beliefs but to categorize your lack of a belief system as "intellectual" gives yourself a false sense of superiority over believers. In effect, you make yourselves the supreme beings in your mind, superior to those who engage in anti-intellectualism. It's part of the manifesto of your intellectual buddy Joe's Reason Movement. Kind of "We are superior in intellect and reason, and we know there is no God, so now is the time for us to seize power". It was with that mindset, the concept of a superior, Aryan nation that allowed HItler to come to power, with the purpose of controlling and eliminating those inferior to them.
Do I think that atheism will lead to such a destructive path in this day and age? There is already a government movement underway to block religious freedoms, and hopefully some of the carefully calculated government positions on relgious freedoms will result in a large pushback from the overhwelming majority of Americans. You see, atheism is no longer just a rejection of theism, it is now a movement to ridicule, silence, and remove the rights of people to practice religion. It is precisly these reasons why Catholic Universities, if they are going to exist at all, either return to the fouding relgious missions, or end the charade, change their names, and become public institutions.