Butler, Sat., Jan. 4 , 2p, FS-1

Butler 29-25 at the break
Halftime Boxscore, read’em and weep

What bad body language ? Slimming after missed shots ? We are sitting behind the bench and see none of that after the 5 minute mark. Players standing on the bench after the rare make. Butler was slumping too. Do they have a problem with their coach ?
Mike since I don't see your telephone pole head in front of me I'm closer to the bench than you are and I'm here every game.

Players have been unhappy with the coaching all year. And from what I see I can't blame them.

There's coaching and there's teaching and then there's pulling guys and screaming at them. Some of those things are productive and some are not. Also some players can handle a certain style and some can't.

Pitino is clearly in the mode of "if you don't like it, that's your problem, you can leave and I'll get someone tougher than you who will do what I want."

Not an awesome way to make players feel valued and get the most out of them. And if you want to win games you're going to need those players.

The proof is in the results: he's gotten the most out of Zuby. RJ is RJ. Who else do you think he has maximized the ability and productivity of? My answer is nobody - and to the contrary he's managed to do a lot of damage to the production of players who should be key elements of his team.

The vibe from my spot a few rows back has been bad all year and I can absolutely understand why.
I have to be honest. I could care less if Pitino comes back next year or not. It’s the same as last year. You can blame the players but Pitino and staff have to shoulder just as much of the blame or more. Maybe his style of coaching or his system just doesn’t work in this new era of college basketball. There are plenty of young coaches out there who are killing it. This is ridiculous!!
Some of these need to at least play for the back of the name on the jersey. I imagine foreign teams scout players.