Any adjective works
Wondrous times for we fans
Difficult not to become exuberant!
We should laminate the (few) naysayers
who have posted:
he never recruited in his life
he never coached a game
he'll ruin his reputation
we are jumping the gun w positive predictions hasn't won a game yet
it's all for show & headline grabbing
we won't be good next year
he'll fall off his pedestal
(I just by chance came across a few)
It's like your kid graduates summa cum
laude and all the cynical parent can think of is "she hasn't earned a buck yet!"
If we cannot relish these days when will we ever?
Charles Dickens was half-correct:
It's the best of times...
all the best (of times)
Wonder whatever became of those knucklehead naysayers who kept spewing that nonsense about how difficult it was to recruit to SJU/NYC, how NYC kids all want to go away, how many of us were living in the past, how we'd never be relevant again, blah, blah, blah, blah. As I said all along, we were one good head coach away from sustained relevance. We now have our man.