Loved Mullin tonight but that technical could have costed us!! Not sure what was said between the coaches or what started it but i think that Hayes should have also been called for a technical. I also like how Mullin doesn't really get angry at his players and just lets them played relaxed and also with fouls.
Don't write this team off tomorrow, this is college ball not NBA, any team can get beaten any given night by ANYONE.
All in all this season was a success and step in right direction moving forward, I have no doubt that we will be ranked in 2-3 years.
I hear you Roamer. However, sometimes you need to show the bully you won't be his patsy. Yes Alibegovic committed an intentional foul. Was it over the top? No way. Four G'town players surrounding and shoving (no T on the shove) was excessive. They were trying to make a statement. Coach CM made his statement. We won't be pushed around. After that both teams knew where they stood. Game on.