(BET) (AP #2) #1 Connecticut, Fri., Mar. 15, 5:30p, FOX

This is March. Jim Calhoun said it last night: you don’t need to be the best team just the best team for those 40 min

UConn has started slow last two games. Of course both ended in blowouts but PC & Xavier didn’t have enough to sustain. One common theme the few times they look vulnerable is the physicality of other teams. When SJU played in Hartford, SHU in Newark, PC at Gampel all were extremely physical and disrupted their rhythm. Hurleys offense is all predicated on movement and a lot of misdirection. Stay disciplined, attached to bodies of the cutters and get physical without fouling to keep them out of rhythm

Hard to beat them in a shootout. Switch everything? They have too many guys to exploit a mismatch. Hedge the ball screen? Too much spacing and Clingan/Johnson roll hard. Drop coverage? Newton is good weaving through and you can’t help off Karaban/Spencer

This is Pitino & Jenkins 4th time in last 12 months facing these guys. They won’t be caught by surprise with anything UConn does. Not gambling my 401K SJU winning but think we at least have a shot
How about "UConn hasn't won the BET in a decade and lost in the semis the last three years (I think). So we can make it four. I mean, the chances aren't zero.
Perhaps Hurley will pick on the wrong fan this time and get his ass whipped. All the Hurleys were like that. send them all back to Jersey!
Sadly, that will never because there's to much security. Now if Hurley goes over to the fan and goes to hit the fan, the fan has every right to defend himself and drop Hurley.

Only hardcore people would walk over with security, but look at Hurley crying and whining on the sidelines 😭. Theman is alittle wimp. Hiding behind security.
More pumped and more nervous for this game than I was yesterday afternoon. Don't think we're playing with house money. We gotta stay within the spread.

With Rick Pitino as our coach, anything is possible. Let's win this!
I think Rick has something in his bag of tricks. I swear to God, if Hurley starts his whining bs, Rick better yell at the refs and tell them to not let Hurley influence their call making.

It always happens. Sick of it.
I just don't want to see hurley's kid get in the game tonight. Need to stop spencer. fig will get his but let's keep his rebounds down. as in hall game we need to win the battle of the boards.