(BET) (AP #2) #1 Connecticut, Fri., Mar. 15, 5:30p, FOX

Perhaps with a few breaks the Johnnies will hang close and just maybe put themselves in a position to steal one. An upset, of course, but I never expected Mohammed Ali to knock out George Foreman either. Compete well and I will be happy, win it is all gravy
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I see a 12.1 point spread on Torvik for the Uconn game - just don't get obliterated.
Negative. We're gonna be hanging with them all game long. We're not backing down from no damn one, gonna go punch for punch and see who the last man standing is.


A PSA. our crew has decided not to wash clothes and were the same exact thing tomorrow. The stench will be real
Old, challenged in the looks department and stinky as well? What a treat for those sitting around you 🙂
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Perhaps with a few breaks the Johnnies will hang close and just maybe put themselves in a position to steal one. An upset, of course, but I never expected Mohammed Ali to knock out George Foreman either. Compete well and I will be happy, win it is all gravy
The only question that night was whether Ali was gonna get killed by Foreman. Remember listening to the round by round summaries on the radio and Ali was dominating the fight. Then the announcer says a big turnaround in round 7 so I thought ah crap Foreman must have knocked Ali out but it was the reverse. Actually just watched the end of the fight again on Facebook. Back on topic except for Johnny fans think expectation is a fairly easy win for Uconn. Let’s hope we can pull an Ali and upset them.
You know, I have been a fan all my life and never hated a fellow Big East team. But I do hate Hurley. I hope we smack him around tomorrow so that he gets a bench T
Perhaps Hurley will pick on the wrong fan this time and get his ass whipped. All the Hurleys were like that. send them all back to Jersey!
Some say why some say why not.

Let's beat the F out of them and send their dirt eating fans home
At the last UConn game that I attended with my son and grandson, when the obnoxious dirtbag Yukon fans would shout something that ended with “UConn….. “ I had all I could do to not respond with “SUCKS”. Then I realized that I’m 70 years old with my grandson with me and some level of decorum was in order. Damn do I miss the good old days.🤪