Badges, $upporters of this community

weird but I don't have a lot of options to troubleshoot. It is done through Donorbox. The only thing I do is link to it. The direct link is:
Thanks, donation went through. Been a St. John's fan since the early 90s when my dad introduced me to them, but only recently found this site. Appreciate you maintaining this community for all the Johnny diehards still out there.
I would like to support the site but frankly, when certain posters go into attack mode and I defend myself, I’m usually the one who gets a stern warning to stop or be removed. If I felt secure, like an extended, no cut contract 😂👍, I’d be more inclined to donate.
Donated like a day ago. Aside from all the costs that Paul pay’s associated with running the site. I ask you to ask yourself one question. How many legit friends do you have now because of this site ? People you never would have known. Doesn’t matter whether you pm them or text them or call them now privately or even better you have met in person all of which wouldn’t have been possible without this site. What’s that worth. $ ? You can’t put a price on friendships but you can put a price on whatever the amount to help Paul
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Donated like a day ago. Aside from all the costs that Paul pay’s associated with running the site. I ask you to ask yourself one question. How many legit friends do you have now because of this site ? People you never would have known. Doesn’t matter whether you pm them or text them or call them now privately or even better you have met in person all of which wouldn’t have been possible without this site. What’s that worth. $ ? You can’t put a price on friendships but you can put a price on whatever the amount to help Paul
0 friends and I like it that way! 😂
Just Donated, wish I could send more, but had to contribute

Thanks DJ …..

Paul incurs regular costs in maintaining this site so every contribution is appreciated. No contribution is too small.

This being a heavy use period is a good time for posters who frequent the site to thank Paul by making whatever contributio, big or smal, they are able to make.

A contribution is a way of respecting and thanking Paul for his efforts.
Johnnies’ fans,

After a tough year of rooting for our Johnnies, with hopes raised, teased and dashed, we’ve had the great good fortune to be able to learn, exchange ideas, and argue about the team that has frustrated us for decades. We owe a great thank you to Paul for (

This great site requires untold hours of Paul’s attention and work and is mostly funded by him personally. A few years ago, I implored Paul to make it easier for those of us that can, to donate some funds to share the costs of operating our site.

Please take note of hot button at the top of the site and let Paul know that you appreciate his time and efforts. We all want to be among the first to hear Johnnies’ news, especially in regard to our current hunt for a new coach.

Please take this opportunity and be a contributing part of the family.


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Couldn’t have said it any better Knight. This site has stood the test of time. Thanks to Paul’s generosity and countless hours maintaining the site, he has provided us the opportunity to vent and reminisce about our favorite collegiate program.

With hope on the horizon, we will soon share in the elation. We are blessed to be able to login/browse each and every day for the latest news. There is no such thing as a small contribution. Thanks again to Paul for providing a platform for us all.
Couldn’t have said it any better Knight. This site has stood the test of time. Thanks to Paul’s generosity and countless hours maintaining the site, he has provided us the opportunity to vent and reminisce about our favorite collegiate program.

With hope on the horizon, we will soon share in the elation. We are blessed to be able to login/browse each and every day for the latest news. There is no such thing as a small contribution. Thanks again to Paul for providing a platform for us all.
There you go; you said it better!
Considering the fact that Paul and this wonderful site has brought us all together over the years, and especially on this monumental and joyous occasion, just thought I'd say " what better time to donate?". I'm sure whatever you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Paul and the mods for all that you do.
I would definitely like to donate. I previously had a username of Johnnie Drama. I have been unable to log in with that name since the new website happened and had to create a new one.

I've emailed many times to try to get a password reset and have not received a response. Can anyone assist? TIA
I would definitely like to donate. I previously had a username of Johnnie Drama. I have been unable to log in with that name since the new website happened and had to create a new one.

I've emailed many times to try to get a password reset and have not received a response. Can anyone assist? TIA
For everyone's reference, there is a Contact Us form at the bottom of every page in the forums. This works whether you are logged in or not. When you are logged in you can also send me a private message any time. The rest of this I'll take to private message.
For everyone's reference, there is a Contact Us form at the bottom of every page in the forums. This works whether you are logged in or not. When you are logged in you can also send me a private message any time. The rest of this I'll take to private message.
Thanks for your assistance Paul, all good now.
First off, thank you to @otis for leading the fund raising efforts for this site this past year. Today I got a bill for $650 to renew the domain. This is just one annual fee that I pay regularly to keep this site going. There are many fees for software, license/subscriptions, software tech support and other development beyond my own time.

I have always wanted to keep this a true community site and not charge anyone. When I first started this site, I was a small business owner and business was booming. It was so good that I had my employees custom building software that was unique to our community. The amount of manhours that went into it in the early years, is astronomical. In addition to that I was doing data entry but also had some awesome volunteers like @espken and @MCNPA doing an amazing amount of data entry like complete stats for all games and all players going back to the early 1900s as well as doing live updates to game scores and box scores to grow the larger database, year after year. Nobody else was doing anything like this.

I have not had a staff to rely upon for about 15 years now. I've been maintaining the site solo and when I hit some obstacle that I cannot tackle, I hire a contractor.

I am grateful to the men who have spent so much time on here volunteering for over quarter century! @espken still does database updates and would probably do more except that I have been the bottleneck in trying to keep the database tech upgraded over the years. @Knight is super diligent in keeping the game threads established and organized. @ohiofan often volunteers to do some of the less pleasant moderation tasks and I am regularly, even after all of these years, shocked that these accomplished men who surely have a lot better things to do, volunteer their time often on a daily basis. With the passing of SJUFAN2 I have felt especially inadequate in expressing this gratitude to these men.

When we transitioned over to this new site last March/April, @otis asked for $upport. And then at the end of the year he made another appeal. And before that a few members had made donations over the years and a select few had become monthly donors. Often times when a donation has been made, the donor includes a note thanking me! Again, I feel inadequate to express my gratitude.

These thing have been on my mind and I've been working on and slowly implementing some new features. The site now includes some badges to recognize members for some special contribution or otherwise and there will be ongoing awards of these badges in different categories and for different reasons.

For those of you who have made a donation in 2022, you will now have a badge recognizing this on your profile page and within the profile box on your forum posts. Another badge will recognize 2023 donors and there are some other new badges being implemented like the very cool and exclusive Moderator badge. What about some recognition for @paultzman for the amazing contributions to the recruiting news and update? It is long and woefully overdue.

Some of you that made a donation, indicated on the donor form that you wanted it to be Anonymous. So if you did that, I removed you from the badge awards. However there may also be some cases where you would like the badge and you can just contact me via private message (the little mail icon) or click on my username: @Red.Fans There were some donors who used email addresses that were different from the email they use for their account here. So I tried matching up some of these manually but I may have missed some.

The donations are processed by donorbox which is a trusted 3rd party organization that does the same for organizations like Habitat for Humanity. There is a link in the main menu "Contribute" which goes to Otis' appeal but I will probably update that and you can also click direct:

Thank you again,
Thank you, I am grateful for this site and your efforts and those of Knight, ESPKEN, SJUFAN2 RIP,

PS and Paul and all those working behind the scenes! Like the behind the scenes efforts of Coach Pitino & staff 😊
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I would like to support the site but frankly, when certain posters go into attack mode and I defend myself, I’m usually the one who gets a stern warning to stop or be removed. If I felt secure, like an extended, no cut contract 😂👍, I’d be more inclined to donate.
Why not give anyway - many posters and myself have not attacked you - it’s like the WFAN critique of Yankee fans ( of which I am) when many if not most are decent and respectful.
I’m glad your on this board no matter what 😊