Darrick Martin trivia
1. Coach Martin Finished his career in 1992 ranked first in UCLA basketball history In both assists (636) and steals (179).
2. Martin was a member of the Harlem Globetrotters In 2003.
Sorry, that's wrong. Darrick was SECOND in both categories to Pooh Richardson, whom he'd played alongside as a freshman starter during Pooh's senior year. Pooh had 833 career assists, and 189 career steals...
Also, needs to be noted that UCLA didn't officially keep Assists records till the 1974 season, steals until the 1979 season, nor Blocked Shots until the 1978 season.
So All American guards like Walt Hazzard, Gail Goodrich, Mike Warren, Lucius Allen, Henry Bibby, and Greg Lee, who may well have had more assists than Darrick, aren't counted. And Defensive players like Keith Erickson, Keith Wilkes, Marques Johnson and all of the aforementioned guards aren't on the Steals lists. And older stars like Don Barksdale and Jackie Robinson (yes, THAT Jackie Robinson - he led the PCAA conference in scoring for two seasons and dominated defensively) aren't on the lists at all. And it's why Jelani McCoy is their "All Time Leading Shot blocker" with 188 in his career, at a school where Lew Alcindor, Bill Walton, and Willie Naulls likely had more than that number in a single season....
A bit of NBA trivia - did you know that 5 of the top 11 shot blockers in NBA history are from either Georgetown or UCLA? - Motumbo #2, Ewing #6, Mouring #11 for G'Town, and Kareem #3, Mark Eaton #4 for UCLA. Of course, the NBA didn't start counting blocks till the 1974 season, so the likely all time best - Russell & Chamberlain - have zeros next to their names. Of the listed leaders, all but Kareem played their entire careers after they strated counting. Kareem lost 4 seasons of blocks from his career total (the first 4 seasons they DID count them, he averaged 280 a year - so its likely he actually blocked another 1,100 shots which would have put him well ahead of the the listed leaders (but still likley well behind the REAL leaders like Russ and Wilt)....