See some folks are giving them time to prove they might be as good as they expected, the same group who thinks that the hire of Mullin combined with a staff devoid of coaching experience was a good idea.Granted I haven't paid attention too much lately but did we hire Dick Harter or Rick Carslisle on the bench ?
Hey MJ,
Rather than merely repeating your observations regarding where Mullin may sit, how he dresses, and who speaks during timeouts, please provide some substantive comment regarding how your observations hurt the performance of last years team. Thanks.
There is nothing substantive in all the staff criticism other than an "expansion" team roster thrown together at the very last moment with no off-season practice didn't play cohesively, especially on the defensive end. Never mind the lack of on the ball quickness, lack of interior bulk and strength, and that these players had never played together one minute previously; obviously 90% of the board could have coached rings around this amateur staff. I mean, how could Mullin not have conjured up memories of Auerbach and Wooden with the talent he had to work with and the time he had to work with them? Not to mention that Rohressen should have recruited a Kentucky like roster already, the man is just stealing money!! Disgraceful,,,
At the risk of just being arrogant, again, REALLY?? This staff doesn't even get a YEAR to prove themselves, ONE off-season to upgrade the roster, work with a the players and mold a team?? For all the HOF arm chair coaches out there look up how long it took K and Jay Wright, two pretty good coaches, to turn around programs in infinetly better shape when they took over than SJU was. Not to mention that, oh, maybe Mullin, for all his BB credentials, realistically, has a learning curve to get comfortable doing something he has NEVER done before. I have NO IDEA if this staff will be successful but I do know the turning over of the talent on the roster is almost unprecedented at this level and that is where it all starts. And I am sure as hell willing to give Chris Mullin the same amount of time I gave Norm Roberts and Steve Lavin to see if he and co. can turn this around before I start criticizing.
Others are giving the staff time to prove they're not as bad as should be expected given the hire of Mullin combined with a staff devoid of coaching experience which seemed like a not so good idea.
I agree that they deserve more time, whichever side of the fence your're sitting on but it doesn't mean they should be free from any constructive criticism.
Different strokes for different folks.
I see nothing constructive about the criticism; people reading body language and analyzing still pictures taken out of context and where someone sits or what he wears? A brand new coach with NO experience having the intelligence to allow someone with more experience than him coach at times? Criticizing end of game plays that aren't executed because of lack of experience, practice time and talent? Looking at our roster and complaining that we didn't "improve", a roster completely devoid of legitimate ready to play D1 talent? EVERY one of our freshman would have been realistic candidates to red shirt in another situation. I wonder how many of these "constructive" criticizers would have had the seeds to attempt what Mullin did KNOWING the year last year was going to happen? The team by and large played hard and competed against teams with significantly better talent, in most cases against teams I'm which we didn't put a player on the court that would get a sniff of playing time for the opponent. How do I judge the coaching; by the late season games where we had big deficits but came back to make them competitive against far superior teams. No quit, no lay down. That showed me Mullin and staff had picked the right kids and had gotten through to them. The criticism "constructive"? Hardly. Unfair and ridiculously premature, yes, but constructive or legitimate at this point in time, no.