2024/2025 Roster

Spoken like a coaches son!
I've said this before but it bears repeating: I'm happy when the team is good, but man is it nice when you actually like these kids as people and can root for them on that level. Brady so poised and mature in that interview, how can you not root for him? One of the reasons I'm so high on Sim is because every time he opens his mouth its like "this kid (and his parents) get it". Same w Zuby. Just a great attitude.

I know we're in the age of basically professional basketball, so being rah-rah about your school is probably hokey or old fashioned or whatever, but I'll wear any of those labels proudly. This is a good group of kids and they represent us well. (Somebody remind me of this post when I'm knocking the balls off one of them for a couple turnovers in January LOL)