2024/2025 Roster

I think Rick recently mentioned that RJ had surgery on his shins and is rehabbing.
Shin splints can be a recurring problem and sometimes can never be completely cured. The fact that he needed surgery is indicative of how serious his condition is. They obviously concluded rest was not going to be curative. I think Luis is a huge question mark going into this season.
This seems to indicate that his surgery was recent? Not sure the why the surgery was not performed in March?
I think surgery is the last resort and they made the decision only after they concluded rest was not going to cure his condition. By its very nature, surgery and rehab is unpredictable .
I think surgery is the last resort and they made the decision only after they concluded rest was not going to cure his condition. By its very nature, surgery and rehab is unpredictable .
I just confirmed that fasciotomy or shin splint surgery is used only in rare and severe cases where the condition is not otherwise treatable.
Shin splints can be a recurring problem and sometimes can never be completely cured. The fact that he needed surgery is indicative of how serious his condition is. They obviously concluded rest was not going to be curative. I think Luis is a huge question mark going into this season.
He is going to be the X factor next year if healthy imo. Fingers crossed.
Shin splints can be a recurring problem and sometimes can never be completely cured. The fact that he needed surgery is indicative of how serious his condition is. They obviously concluded rest was not going to be curative. I think Luis is a huge question mark going into this season.
True. Thankfully there seems to be sufficient depth to withstand his inability for Luis to be on the court.
Agree that people on this site do not need the web site to identify the roster.

However, SJU hopefully should be focused on expanding the fan base and/or bringing back casual fans who have not shown interest (or attended games) in recent years. Most people go online as their first source of information. Having outdated and/or incorrect information is not a good look.
Roster for 2024-25 available now on SJU website, (y)
Note the SJ has not publicly congratulated Daniss or Joel on their two way contracts. No social media presence at all. Xavier, Creighton and Conn put us to shame. Social media is free. Is our AD staff that incompetent? Wait! Don’t answer that question. Of course they are. Or maybe it’s summer and they are at the beach.
Note the SJ has not publicly congratulated Daniss or Joel on their two way contracts. No social media presence at all. Xavier, Creighton and Conn put us to shame. Social media is free. Is our AD staff that incompetent? Wait! Don’t answer that question. Of course they are. Or maybe it’s summer and they are at the beach.
they have had a couple re-tweets since the draft... inexplicable....
I just confirmed that fasciotomy or shin splint surgery is used only in rare and severe cases where the condition is not otherwise treatable.
Honestly, this is probably the best thing that could have happened for Luis. His shin splints were a problem before he came to St. Johns and has missed time elsewhere as well. For someone with very bad shin splints for several years and being an athlete and constantly either practicing, playing or exercising, he never is able to balance resting, treatment and activity appropriately.

So now he has had the surgery and hopefully all went well with that. Being in the cam boot healing up and resting the area for however long the the doctor's protocol was and then to properly rehab the area from therapists who hopefully have experience with these specific injuries and surgeries, I am actually expecting a much better Luis on the injury front with his legs from this point forward. Wish I could be privy to his PT sessions but my guess is he will be good to go.

I am expecting a big year from Luis as limited practice time along with him dealing with the pain associated with the shin splints last year was his problem. His skills and ability should shine this year if he truly can rehab to the fullest.
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With the sad news that has transpired over the last day, I figured I can provide a slight remedy to the board. I spoke to someone over the weekend who was at practice last week & provided me some notes:

  1. Deivon has been the best performer in practice (lightning fast, strong as a bull). Kadary is as advertised (clearly). Sucks everyone in and has been controlling the floor.
  2. Sim - has improved massively. Confidence is high, shooting well.. will be playing big minutes.
  3. RJ - still working through his shin splints. Was told his injuries are located in an uncommon area of the shins (medicine is not my area of expertise.. perhaps Alumni Hall can opine).
  4. Brady - like from the small clips, has gotten thicker.. Still has concerns about his shot.. Said it's still too flat..
  5. Vince - Told he has not been the most consistent player since workouts have begun..
  6. Aaron Scott - he loved his game... 3&D.. long & agile.. Will impress a lot of folks..
  7. Maker - Still raw but was told he has the potential to turn into a big time player..
  8. Glover in cast. Lefty playing for Greece. Didnt bring up Zuby.
  9. Little tidbit - was told RP is pissed that Ruben has not yet made his way to campus, considering he is not playing for Portugal ATM. "We have A LOT of work to."

TLDR; The ingredients are there, it's time for the chef to cook em up.

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