2024/2025 Roster

Same goes for him.
If you think I was suggesting that what the poster was speculating should happen was potentially going to at SJU, you misunderstood my point completely. I was merely pointing out that was a recipe for disaster anywhere.
Yes, but he apparently had a chance to underperform as a sophomore before he was jettisoned. Give Dunlap a little grace, lord knows we all need it.
No problem with that, just don’t understand how he is being so wildly overrated. If this forum existed back in 93 no one would have said you can’t bring in James Scott because Fred Lyson may get upset.
The issue, if there is one, with Wilcher and Dunlap, all non-portal recruits really, is will they get a fair chance or will one of the horrible paradigms of free agency prevent that, namely, we are paying all the portal free agents “X” amount of $, so they have to play. Now, that is assuming that the portal players $’s are significantly higher than the recruits who arrived via the “traditional” route but I think that is a fair assumption.
No problem with that, just don’t understand how he is being so wildly overrated. If this forum existed back in 93 no one would have said you can’t bring in James Scott because Fred Lyson may get upset.
Nice to hear you say something good about one of our players. Oh no, that was someone else.
Nice to hear you say something good about one of our players. Oh no, that was someone else.
Lazy post.
This board wildly overrates everyone then turns on them when they don’t reach their expectations. On my time on these boards the only players I truly disliked were Geno and Mase jr.

Jenkins was a good player just thought was not nearly good enough to have the ball 75% of the time and I think that was a big reason we struggled and Soriano and Dingle’s issues.

Dunlap to me based off what I saw is a fringe player and actually reminds me of Lyson. I liked Lyson btw. Nothing wrong with being 9th or 10th man on a good team but the way some here talk him up I have no idea what that is based on.
Scott had all the tools to be an AA, he just could never put it all together. Having said that, IMO he was better than average for us. I'd say he was a good player who, at times, showed flashes of brilliance.
Different strokes, just thought he would be much better than a 10-11 point a game player.
Different strokes, just thought he would be much better than a 10-11 point a game player.
Think we was closer to 14PPG his 2nd season. Agreed that we all expected much more, He should have been an impact player. I remember one preseason magazine cover having him and Shawnelle on the cover with a headline that said "The Great Scotts!". Going on memory, so I may be a bit off.
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Regarding Dunlap, the talent and drive to be great is there. I think the kid lost his confidence and wasn't able to break out. My take is that he doesn't need to work harder, or even get much stronger. He just needs to regain confidence. He could be an outstanding player, but my advice would be (as the Eagles said) "don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy".

Just my opinion.
I always credit Jackson Browne for that line. ;)
Think we was closer to 14PPG his 2nd season. Agreed that we all expected much more, He should have been an impact player. I remember one preseason magazine cover having him and Shawnelle on the cover with a headline that said "The Great Scotts!". Going on memory, so I may be a bit off.

Think we was closer to 14PPG his 2nd season. Agreed that we all expected much more, He should have been an impact player. I remember one preseason magazine cover having him and Shawnelle on the cover with a headline that said "The Great Scotts!". Going on memory, so I may be a bit off.
Your memory is better than mine, averaged 11 and then 14👍
I don’t hate Kadary Richmond . As a Player for SH . I dislike his bailing for his team for 3 games , which might have been the difference in them nkt qualifying for the NCAA.
Whatever reasons there were don’t justify his 3 game quit .
Just my opinion .
I bow to RP too on selecting him but , hope Marillac will be equally critical of KR’s play if it isn’t at a Superman level .
We have been fed he’s the greatest .

I don’t dislike LMF either . Opinions differ ,

I am crest fallen however that Bob Backlund pinning George “ The Animal Steele ,” in 30 seconds for the Champions Belt at MSG wasn’t the real deal .
The Crowd was stunned to say the least .
George did give people their money’s worth though . After losing , he did run around the Ring like a lunatic , destroying all the Ring Buckles and grunting like a bear . All the while , displaying his famous Green Tongue .