Moose wrote:
L J S A post=432659 wrote: The Elmont arena surpassed Barclays the second the first ounce of concrete was poured.
Except the fact that an NBA team with 3 superstars plays at Barclays so it has plenty of cache in the bball community.
Funny, my daughter who visited us over the weekend and lives in Brooklyn not too far from Barclay was saying they've noticed that the immediate area around the arena has gotten progressively nicer over the last couple of years, no doubt spurred by the increasing popularity of the Nets and Brooklyn in general.
With younger people Brooklyn is the cooler than Manhattan. Even areas that were not necessarily places you wanted to be in the 60's and 70's are hot places to live now. Take Bushwick for example. Or East Williamsburgh and Greenpoint, but also Crown Heights and Fort Green. Not necessarily attributable to the Barclay's but that certainly did not hurt especially the neighborhoods nearby.
I've only been to Barclay's once and it was fun, but I will still take the Garden over it for all of the memories the Garden carries for me.