[/quote]Over the last several months our recruiting has been rated an D heard all the talk how hard it is to get players etc etc etc. There is no excuses now all came on board knowing it was not going to be a walk in the park. Large $$$ compensated should have given us a 6-9 0r 6-10 center by now. This priority wasn a glaring beacon of light for some time now and should have been addressed WE are running around like chickens with out a head trying ti fill the void, Poor planning Sure others on this site are in this camp.If not than I am way off base.Wamt us to raise our game . Yes we will probably be better but who knows with a good center we could have been a lot better next yr Maybe we can pull something out out our hat and secure a big
Maybe Paultzman can remember this recruit's name. He originally had 8 schools on his list. He is down to Georgetown and St. John's.
The only downside is he ate the other 6 schools.
Actually that was "Escalade" of street ball fame & deceased brother of Mark Jackson.