The age factor has been on my mind too. I attended our beloved SJU between 1960 and 1964. You do the math. We ancient fans are long suffering, sticking with them through thick and thin, mostly thin the last twenty years. Right now, I would rather see a Dwight Hardy, Mussini, Ponds type or two or three, rather than a big. Three point shooters is the coin of the realm, currently, in college BB. Look outside of the tristate area, look to aEurope, look to the new African leagues for shooters. Do it fast, before we ancient fans give up the phlogiston. I feel for Coach Anderson, I like his style, I like the professional staff he has gathered, and, particularly, I see Earlington as the archetype for this team. He is smart, his head is always in the game, and he plays hard. GO SJU!