Well-known member
From The Wall Street Journal
And you guys act like you had it hard back when you could easily pay off college with a summer job and get a solid job with a HS diploma/Associates/Bachelor's. Living with your parents into your early 20's used to be seen as it's necessity. Times have changed.
Fun what are you 70 years old? I love when geriatrics think they know what life is like for 20 somethings these days. Dating is totally different, the economy is totally different, college costs as much as a house now, high school diplomas, BA's, and Associate's degrees mean nothing, it's harder to get into college in the first place due to many more people applying, half of the marriages end in divorce etc. You haven't the faintest clue as implied by your posts.
Are you some disgruntled comedy tour reject? Did they say, "Thank you, but we will call you"? You are really leading me to think so. I wish Mr. "Fun" could be young again and see how "easy" it is these days.
I just finished my MBA today (thank goodness!). My company pays $7,500 a year until tuition is paid. I haven't looked, but probably have $40k in loans. As long as they don't lay me off I should be fine. Even if they do, it'll be a manageable amount to pay off. If I get a better offer and move on then hopefully the pay will make it worthwhile to leave with the balance of my loans (I'm not on the hook to stay, and they aren't on the hook to pay if I leave).
I have friends that did fulltime MBAs at top 20 schools. I was with them one night and they were toasting to be over $100k in debt. The one girl had an MBA and JD from two different top 20 schools and ran up probably $200k in debt. She wound up landing a pretty high paying lawyer gig and is now in-house at an Ibank, so I guess she wouldn't complain.
Still scares me to think people are running such large debt loads. When my sister looked at school 6 years ago I remember Northeastern was about $40k a year. Not Northwestern, but Northeastern. Can anyone justify $160k for a NE degree?
what life is like for 20 somethings these days.
Fun what are you 70 years old? I love when geriatrics think they know what life is like for 20 somethings these days. Dating is totally different,
what life is like for 20 somethings these days.
Good grief, stop blubbering you big girl's blouse. A hundred years ago most people didn't have electricty or indoor plumbing. In 1918 the flu - the flu! - killed 40 million people. At the beginning of the 20th century the average life expectancy was 30 years. Since then there've been 2 world wars, a depression, a variety of holocausts, an atomic bombing, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, Rwanda, Bosnia, AIDS, and Flock of Seagulls. And here you are whinging about how onerous it is that you have to accept a government hand out to forestall your adulthood for another 4 years. In reality all you're really saying is that if you had to pay rent you'd have to live in a manner other than that to which you've become accustomed living with mommy and daddy: instead of spending your allowance on an Ipod, a cell phone, an X box, and a netflix subscription you'd have work at a job and spend your income on lodging and food and that's a sacrifice you're not willing to make. Fine. But make no mistake: you belong the most coddled, the most entitled, and most especially the stupidest generation in the history of the universe. That you don't understand that is merely another triumph of the American educational system. The most fitting punishment I can think of is that you get four more years of it.
Fun what are you 70 years old? I love when geriatrics think they know what life is like for 20 somethings these days. Dating is totally different,
When I was your age girls hadn't started waxing completely yet so I don't have any sympathy for you on this![]()
The world which the under 30 generation is inheriting has more uncertainties and far less opportunities than their fathers and mothers inherited.
what life is like for 20 somethings these days.
Good grief, stop blubbering you big girl's blouse. A hundred years ago most people didn't have electricty or indoor plumbing. In 1918 the flu - the flu! - killed 40 million people. At the beginning of the 20th century the average life expectancy was 30 years. Since then there've been 2 world wars, a depression, a variety of holocausts, an atomic bombing, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, Rwanda, Bosnia, AIDS, and Flock of Seagulls. And here you are whinging about how onerous it is that you have to accept a government hand out to forestall your adulthood for another 4 years. In reality all you're really saying is that if you had to pay rent you'd have to live in a manner other than that to which you've become accustomed living with mommy and daddy: instead of spending your allowance on an Ipod, a cell phone, an X box, and a netflix subscription you'd have work at a job and spend your income on lodging and food and that's a sacrifice you're not willing to make. Fine. But make no mistake: you belong the most coddled, the most entitled, and most especially the stupidest generation in the history of the universe. That you don't understand that is merely another triumph of the American educational system. The most fitting punishment I can think of is that you get four more years of it.
In reality all you're really saying is that if you had to pay rent you'd have to live in a manner other than that to which you've become accustomed living with mommy and daddy: instead of spending your allowance on an Ipod, a cell phone, an X box, and a netflix subscription you'd have work at a job and spend your income on lodging and food and that's a sacrifice you're not willing to make.
what life is like for 20 somethings these days.
Good grief, stop blubbering you big girl's blouse. A hundred years ago most people didn't have electricty or indoor plumbing. In 1918 the flu - the flu! - killed 40 million people. At the beginning of the 20th century the average life expectancy was 30 years. Since then there've been 2 world wars, a depression, a variety of holocausts, an atomic bombing, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, Rwanda, Bosnia, AIDS, and Flock of Seagulls. And here you are whinging about how onerous it is that you have to accept a government hand out to forestall your adulthood for another 4 years. In reality all you're really saying is that if you had to pay rent you'd have to live in a manner other than that to which you've become accustomed living with mommy and daddy: instead of spending your allowance on an Ipod, a cell phone, an X box, and a netflix subscription you'd have work at a job and spend your income on lodging and food and that's a sacrifice you're not willing to make. Fine. But make no mistake: you belong the most coddled, the most entitled, and most especially the stupidest generation in the history of the universe. That you don't understand that is merely another triumph of the American educational system. The most fitting punishment I can think of is that you get four more years of it.
I would have added, after A Flock of Seagulls, the advent of hip-hop and rap music which has done as much as the corrupt Wall Street bankers to fleece an entire generation of their hard-earned money. Yes, this generation has made Sean "Diddy", 50 Cent, Ludacris, Dr. Dre and many other street scum multi-millionaires, while these white college frat boys blast that garbage hate music all the way to the unemployment line in their leased Lexus.
America, America, where 107,000 football fans will still fill Beaver Stadium to watch D2 level football, where Indian and Chinese doctors staff our clinics, where they are assisted by Filipino and Jamaican nurses, where every Dunkin Donut and 7 Eleven is owned by a Pakistani, America, America..........where have you gone???
what life is like for 20 somethings these days.
Good grief, stop blubbering you big girl's blouse. A hundred years ago most people didn't have electricty or indoor plumbing. In 1918 the flu - the flu! - killed 40 million people. At the beginning of the 20th century the average life expectancy was 30 years. Since then there've been 2 world wars, a depression, a variety of holocausts, an atomic bombing, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, Rwanda, Bosnia, AIDS, and Flock of Seagulls. And here you are whinging about how onerous it is that you have to accept a government hand out to forestall your adulthood for another 4 years. In reality all you're really saying is that if you had to pay rent you'd have to live in a manner other than that to which you've become accustomed living with mommy and daddy: instead of spending your allowance on an Ipod, a cell phone, an X box, and a netflix subscription you'd have work at a job and spend your income on lodging and food and that's a sacrifice you're not willing to make. Fine. But make no mistake: you belong the most coddled, the most entitled, and most especially the stupidest generation in the history of the universe. That you don't understand that is merely another triumph of the American educational system. The most fitting punishment I can think of is that you get four more years of it.
Part of your post rings true for all ages. I just had an argument with a friend the other day who is having financial problems. I told him to dump the freaking internet phones for him and his wife and their kids and to drop the HBO package and he'd save over a grand a year just on that. ( I realize I might be the only one here who does this but I refuse to pay for internet on my phone and I don't have hbo either )
Anyway he said they couldn't do without them but he couldn't give me a reason why. Unf'ing believable
Fun is about as disconnected from reality for people my age these days as Donald Trump is from a poor African village. The jobs are simply not there. The economy is so bad that qualified people are forced to either take ridiculously low paying jobs usually meant for lower skilled workers, or stay unemployed. You guys are acting like it's's not. Our generation is the most educated in the HISTORY of our nation. Getting a Master's these days is very common and a BA is now as routine as the sun rising each day. Some jobs now are pushing to ONLY hire Ph.D students! In your day Fun, you could roll out of bed and be handed a solid job right out of high school. Today you would be in poverty trying to do the same. You are simply up in your ivory are not in touch at all. This is not just our generation whining how we have it harder by the way...people in your generation know what I'm saying is true.
So please explain to one is supposed to afford at least $1,000+ rent/month, car insurance, utilities, food, gas, doctor visits, taxes, oil, cell service, $100k+ in student loans, etc. while going to graduate school setting you back another $60k+ and only being able to work jobs that pay about $10-15 per hour if you even get the job in the first place? Also, there just isn't enough time in the day to work anyway when you are in school full time. My uncle said it best..."Back in my day, I paid off all my student loans with a crappy summer job". Today? Not possible. There is a CRISIS because of debt and you act like it's laziness that kids NEED to stay home? There's a huge difference between being forced to stay home and being lazy. Learn it you fool.