For the guys lucky enough to witness Walter Berry while at sju; (a) is Yakwe reminding you more of him as he continues to improve and (b) do you think he become that type of player?
I never saw him play at sju and I realize his numbers were o u t s t a n d i n g, but at least characteristically there are comparisons. Undersized pf, lefty, unorthodox release, freak athlete.
You are not the first to make that comparison as I've heard it from others. A "poor man's" version of Walter Berry and I consider that a compliment. Walter's offensive game was unbelievable. He invented shots in mid move. Just uncanny. And he was a great rebounder because he was a "quick jumper" which helped blocking shots. This is where Yawke has that same ability but jumps higher and is a better athlete than Walter was ( and Berry was athletic).
Yawke has gotten better and could put up some real nice numbers but overall, Walter was a Wooden Award winner and I don't see Yawke reaching that level but he could be damn good if he keeps improving.
Thanks SJU 85
The proverbial bottom line:
We were very fortunate to have Walter Berry and we are very fortunate to have Mr. Yawke!
Two distinct players; two with amazing talent, Walters proven, Yawke's unfolding before our eyes.
all the best