Not sure why there's a fair degree of negativity about Ellison and MUSSINI. Both are playing more than maybe they should as freshmen and In positions that are not their primary positions. Hard for freshmen to do. Both play hard and seem to know the game. Both should be good 4 year players here especially when the coaches can use them properly. Yes Elluson is a little slow of foot. But so was DLo. And Ellison has great size. MUSSINI is smart and knows how to play. When freed to spot up he should be more effective. Both need to get stronger and play better defense.
Overall while it may sound strange I am getting more satisfaction out of these guys despite the losses and have more hope that I've had in years.
Was thinking the same thing...I guess some folks need to vent about a loss/losing. Ellison is showing some improvement, and Mussini is making freshman mistakes while exceeding just about everyone's expectations. Waiting is hard, but that's where the fans are at, we just have to big fat wait. We have a dream-like scenario playing out, just root for these kids, our coach and our staff, and hope we catch a few breaks in the next 5 weeks.