By far the best post I have read in this thread. Finally a poster with a little compassion and understanding for someone who suffers from mental illness.
Yes well I'm going to have to disagree completely. The poster who says don't judge him poorly on isolated incidents goes on to list several isolated incidents upon which we are supposed to judge him generously. One persons personal interaction in a social context is exactly the wrong way to judge him. Squeaky Fromme had lovely things to say about Charles Manson based upon their personal interactions. He was kind to animals and a generous lover. That doesn't make him a good guy.
The fact is that nearly everyone who attends college classes sits there quietly and politely. That Artest managed to do so is not evidence of his good character. Nearly everyone who plays intramural manages to do so without getting into a fist fight. Most millionaires give away money for tax purposes. These things are normal. He should not get credit for managing to behave with bare civility. The take away from Artest's behavior are the violent acts he perpetrates in public - because public violence is anomalous. It's more likely that you can extrapolate from his aberrational behavior in front of a crowd of 30000 people to what he does in private that is covered up by his money and power than you can extrapolate goodness from the fact that he's managed to sit through Sociology 101 without stabbing the professor in the head with the leg of his chair.
I don't doubt that psychologists have dumbed down poor impulse control to the point that Artest is considered mentally ill. According to my own diagnosis he's suffering from acute borderline pervasive bipolar autism with marked impairment of his schizophreniform catatonia. Others might disagree. In any event he probably should seek counseling. Or switch to decaf. But he won't: "I've never taken medication .. Doctors have suggested it and I say, OK, give it to me. But I throw it in the garbage." And he doesn't have to. Because if he elbows some schlub in the head nearly killing him he gets suspended just long enough for the Lakers to win game seven. As Dr Pesci of the institute put it: It's all about the dollars, always the dollars.