Why HBCUs could again become serious options for elite basketball prospects

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[quote="MJDinkins" post=391982]Once again, he displays why I won't dialogue with him about these issues.[/quote]

I'm going to need to step away from computer and take a walk. Otherwise we'll just be going in circles all night. :lol:
[quote="SJU85" post=391940][quote="Class of 72" post=391010][quote="L J S A" post=391006][quote="Class of 72" post=391004]
"It shouldn't be a crime that I want to go support my own." This is a quote from one of the athletes.
If he is going to receive the same or better training and academic benefit then fine. If he is making his decision in 2020 to be with own then that thinking reeks of racism based upon the separation of the races.[/quote]

You are calling a black kid racist if he decides to be with his own?[/quote]

I don't give a crap if he is black, brown, yellow or a rainbow but would you sound shockingly outraged if a white kid says "I would rather play only with other white kids, in school that has no blacks and only for a white coach"?
What pandering whites say these days to sound politically correct borders on the ridiculous.
You sound like you are living in Lexington, Kentucky in 1955.[/quote]

What makes you think that HBCUs only have black students and players?[/quote]

I never said HBCU's have only black students. I gave an example of a theoretical situation where , if a white athlete, ever brought up race in his decision, he would be criticized and shunned.
In reality, there are only a handful of elite academic black colleges and at those universities, like Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, Xavier LA, and others, white students make up less than 3 percent of the student population.
Where there are sizable numbers of white students the reason is more one of economic survival than race.
The president of WVState put this way "“The African American population in this country is going to be flat as far as graduation rates,” said Anthony Jenkins, the president of WVSU. “So if you have historically white and historically black institutions fighting for this small pool of African American students, you have to recruit other students from other ethnic and multicultural backgrounds.”
In many southern states many of those non-black students just couldn't meet the entrance standards for state schools, especially in places like North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
But this discussion is about athletes making decisions based on the racial profile of a school to be with "their own" and whether in 2020, is that going forward or backwards in equality and segregation.
In the Power Conferences, if the racial demographics of a school were relevant, St. John's should be an annual power and Duke and UNC should be bottom dwellers.
In short, this discussion about the 2 or 3 black schools that even can compete on the Power Five level, is a waste of keystrokes.
If Kentucky, which lands 4 or 5 of the top rated black players every year has to be lucky to reach the elite 8, don't expect Maker, Baker and Faker to win a national title at Howard.
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Haven't read the whole thread and I doubt this will become a major trend. That said, it COULD become a trend for a couple academically elite schools like Howard. We've all seen how quickly Butler went from a low-major to A10 to the Big East. Who's to say that can't happen at a school like Howard? It's always good for the Big East to have expansion options, even if we're talking 10-20 years from now.
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[quote="MJDinkins" post=391982]

Once again, he displays why I won't dialogue with him about these issues.[/quote]

You had me at why I won't dialogue with him . . . LOL
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[quote="fordham96" post=392037]Wrt Makur had someone tell me he will buy me a steak dinner if he qualifies.[/quote]

So he's got concerns about Makur's Marks?
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[quote="Sju grad 13" post=391017][quote="Class of 72" post=391010][quote="L J S A" post=391006][quote="Class of 72" post=391004]
"It shouldn't be a crime that I want to go support my own." This is a quote from one of the athletes.
If he is going to receive the same or better training and academic benefit then fine. If he is making his decision in 2020 to be with own then that thinking reeks of racism based upon the separation of the races.[/quote]

You are calling a black kid racist if he decides to be with his own?[/quote]

I don't give a crap if he is black, brown, yellow or a rainbow but would you sound shockingly outraged if a white kid says "I would rather play only with other white kids, in school that has no blacks and only for a white coach"?
What pandering whites say these days to sound politically correct borders on the ridiculous.
You sound like you are living in Lexington, Kentucky in 1955.[/quote]

Except your theory would be incorrect as HBCU’s have plenty of White athletes. Actually fun fact, if a white kid wanted to go to an all white school with a white staff and no black players there’s an HBCU called Bluefield State in West Virginia that would be an option for him (97 percent white).[/quote]

If Bluefield State were not a STATE school still getting federal funding as an HBCU they would have been out of business before you were born. The WV fake black colleges are relics of a time blacks were not accepted to other WV schools. The black student population in WV is so small that if black high school students ONLY went to Bluefield State, they would still need white students to stay financially viable.
As far as numbers, you are welcome to analyze the demographics of every HBCU and show me all those white athletes. Have fun with that.
Class of 72 wrote: If Bluefield State were not a STATE school still getting federal funding as an HBCU they would have been out of business before you were born. The WV fake black colleges are relics of a time blacks were not accepted to other WV schools. The black student population in WV is so small that if black high school students ONLY went to Bluefield State, they would still need white students to stay financially viable.
As far as numbers, you are welcome to analyze the demographics of every HBCU and show me all those white athletes. Have fun with that.

These posts are silly at BEST. It is perfectly understandable why African American high school athletes might be looking favorably at HBCUs right now. If you can't understand that, you just don't want to.
[quote="L J S A" post=391006][quote="Class of 72" post=391004]
"It shouldn't be a crime that I want to go support my own." This is a quote from one of the athletes.
If he is going to receive the same or better training and academic benefit then fine. If he is making his decision in 2020 to be with own then that thinking reeks of racism based upon the separation of the races.[/quote]

You are calling a black kid racist if he decides to be with his own?[/quote]

Read what you just wrote and replace black with white. Now you can infer whatever one means by "be with his own". I'm sure some here would prefer to see black students be with their own at black schools because they don't see them fitting in culturally in a multicultural environment. After all, all this integration stuff is very high maintenance. Special courses, safe dedicated spaces, racially separated Greek societies, and all the other stuff needed to make black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Polish kids feel accepted in a university setting where, after all, getting an education and graduating is no longer the goal but highlighting each other's differences are the goal in the 21st century.
So much for protesters being hosed at the University of Mississippi when a half century later segregation was the better solution after all where you don't need the National Anthem but a Black National anthem before football games, where kneeling is the best way to thank the fans for their multimillion dollar salaries.
Heck, look at Morgan State in the heart of black democratic party controlled Baltimore. Some coach is transforming the school into a black power house with transfers from those "other" schools. It will likely lift the school's academic reputation to the point where more than 30 % actually ever graduate. Baltimore has a certain history with black students and I'm sure somehow that Trump and racism has something to do with the situation.
[quote="NCJohnnie" post=392055]Class of 72 wrote: If Bluefield State were not a STATE school still getting federal funding as an HBCU they would have been out of business before you were born. The WV fake black colleges are relics of a time blacks were not accepted to other WV schools. The black student population in WV is so small that if black high school students ONLY went to Bluefield State, they would still need white students to stay financially viable.
As far as numbers, you are welcome to analyze the demographics of every HBCU and show me all those white athletes. Have fun with that.

These posts are silly at BEST. It is perfectly understandable why African American high school athletes might be looking favorably at HBCUs right now. If you can't understand that, you just don't want to.[/quote]

Yes, I agree! This entire race baiting pandering thread is silly. Was it you or Panther or someone else here that proselytize that black high school kids who come from predominantly black high schools should continue their academic and social growth at a predominantly black college.
You're absolutely right! I don't get it. I thought we lived in America and not South Africa.
As for "Right Now", does that include the recent past extending back to the Obama administration when HBCU'S had to grovel to him every year for funding???
That POS narcissist racist misogynist Trump went and gave them perpetual funding support. Just when HBCU'S were becoming educationally redundant.
Fck that nazi Trump and his white power finger signals.
We know what he is really up to! He wants to restore the separation of the races in our educational system.
Impeach him now.
[quote="Class of 72" post=392057][quote="NCJohnnie" post=392055]Class of 72 wrote: If Bluefield State were not a STATE school still getting federal funding as an HBCU they would have been out of business before you were born. The WV fake black colleges are relics of a time blacks were not accepted to other WV schools. The black student population in WV is so small that if black high school students ONLY went to Bluefield State, they would still need white students to stay financially viable.
As far as numbers, you are welcome to analyze the demographics of every HBCU and show me all those white athletes. Have fun with that.

These posts are silly at BEST. It is perfectly understandable why African American high school athletes might be looking favorably at HBCUs right now. If you can't understand that, you just don't want to.[/quote]

Yes, I agree! This entire race baiting pandering thread is silly. Was it you or Panther or someone else here that proselytize that black high school kids who come from predominantly black high schools should continue their academic and social growth at a predominantly black college.
You're absolutely right! I don't get it. I thought we lived in America and not South Africa.
As for "Right Now", does that include the recent past extending back to the Obama administration when HBCU'S had to grovel to him every year for funding???
That POS narcissist racist misogynist Trump went and gave them perpetual funding support. Just when HBCU'S were becoming educationally redundant.
Fck that nazi Trump and his white power finger signals.
We know what he is really up to! He wants to restore the separation of the races in our educational system.
Impeach him now.[/quote]

What is your problem '72?? Paul just set up an opt in political forum so there will be NO POLITICS in the other forums and you can't even make it through a long weekend without pissing all over that concept?

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