Where is the SNY and ESPN coverage for St. John's?

 It just really frustrates me. St. John'sis a big time school in the sports scene in one of the best conferences (not for baseball but still better than 99%) in the BIGGEST media market in the US in a baseball hotbed like NY. Whoever said the tournament caters to southern schools is totally correct. It's not fair...bring some games up north...if you hype it up enough and make it cheap to go I think alumni would go. It's not like we just beat Rutgers twice in baseball..we beat UNC Chapel Hill! A top 5 maybe even top 3 school in terms of national recognition and prestige in athletics. This was a David vs. Goliath matchup in Goliath's house and the #36 (I have no idea how the polls think we are that bad) team in the nation just swept the #4 team in the nation with one win on a walk off game winning HR. This didn't happen in the regular season either...it was in the postseason! The baseball team could not ask for a chance of more recognition than this scenario. It seems there has been more coverage (the little amount there is) of UNC losing rather than us winning. As they are playing right now, St. John's deserves to be ranked as a #10-15 team nationally after all they've done. UNC is arguably the BEST team in the nation. They easily could have won the CWS. I partially blame the media for why St. John's isn't as well known as it should be. The lack of coverage even in basketball which we are well-known for and lack of coverage in sports like baseball which we are very good but no one would know unless they were alumni or students. I am sick and tired of this baseball team doing amazing on par with ANYONE in the country and not getting the proper respect and prestige for it. I agree that SJ should tell SNY this is BS and they want to flirt with YES and MSG if they keep catering only to NON local teams like UConn and Cuse. We are the ONLY real New York college team in a major conference. We have great sports...we deserve better. By the way, Mike Francessa is an alumni of SJ, so I'm sure he would like being able to cover SJ more.
Joe3, a passionate post...

I would be interested to know how much time (if any) Francesa gives to Redmen baseball today.
Any idea if anybody from our team is likely to heard their name called early in the MLB draft today??

as i wrote earlier...a brief mention from the wires and an over the shoulder box of the st john's logo would have sufficed. let's face it. no one outside the st john's rooters really cares. remember, when miami was in the big east...its baseball team didn't play in the conference.

it is what it is. i'm enjoying the ride and i'm proud of the players. it is what it is.
Any idea if anybody from our team is likely to heard their name called early in the MLB draft today??


Not early but Jeremy Baltz and Kyle Hanson could go in the 2nd - 3rd rounds
 ESPN has paid almost zero attention to any of the college baseball regionals. I think they were at two sites for ESPNU.

They will ramp up with the super regionals. SJU will play start either Friday or Saturday, depending on the schedule and who else advances.
Like Uconn doesn't Syracuse have some sort of contract with SNY and I believe even Rutgers too. I thought we did sign some deal with a local cable outlet that was supposed to do some baseball games. Anyone know for sure about Rutger, Syr and us? 
 Not sure, but you would think with how successful SJ baseball has been there would be some kind of deal worked out for MSG or someone local to broadcast SJ baseball games. I mean they are on the verge of the CWS for crying out loud. I bet a lot of people would watch too if they spent enough in advertising. The south has such an advantage it's not even funny. They always get home games down there, they get all the coverage, all the money, the huge stadiums, the nicest facilities, and the best recruits. We need to show them the New York college baseball means business!
 Not sure, but you would think with how successful SJ baseball has been there would be some kind of deal worked out for MSG or someone local to broadcast SJ baseball games. I mean they are on the verge of the CWS for crying out loud. I bet a lot of people would watch too if they spent enough in advertising. The south has such an advantage it's not even funny. They always get home games down there, they get all the coverage, all the money, the huge stadiums, the nicest facilities, and the best recruits. We need to show them the New York college baseball means business!

Pretty sure ESPN has complete control of NCAA Tournament games. A school can do a web broadcast but thats about it once the tournament starts.

Remember we aired the final 3 games of the regular season on CBS Sports
St.J's should have tried to sell their games to MSG since both the knicks & rangers are done.
Very little coverage in newspapers also after winning BE tourney.
Again the AD Moansch fails to cash in on promoting our schools teams winning :blink:

A week ago you celebrated them for their innovative online broadcasting venture and now your saying they failed to cash in?

Yes a week ago I celebrated their online broadcast I give credit where its due.
But the facts are as Coach LouC says Joe Lap taught "today a Peacock tommorow a Featherduster"
Cash in on your baseball team winning by getting on TV, thats lost revenue that a real smart AD capitalizes on.
Msg had program space avaliable dont you at least inquire & see if they would televise the game on msg,msg2,or msg plus :blink:
 Not sure, but you would think with how successful SJ baseball has been there would be some kind of deal worked out for MSG or someone local to broadcast SJ baseball games. I mean they are on the verge of the CWS for crying out loud. I bet a lot of people would watch too if they spent enough in advertising. The south has such an advantage it's not even funny. They always get home games down there, they get all the coverage, all the money, the huge stadiums, the nicest facilities, and the best recruits. We need to show them the New York college baseball means business!

Pretty sure ESPN has complete control of NCAA Tournament games. A school can do a web broadcast but thats about it once the tournament starts.

Remember we aired the final 3 games of the regular season on CBS Sports[/quote

Your pretty sure st.johns games were blacked out from msg by espn? Did monasch tell you this bec. no highlights of
the johnny game were shown. If theres no tv satilite& cameras at the event thats stupid with a NYCity school vs
North Carl. msg picks up espn collge fb games locally all yr.
 Not sure, but you would think with how successful SJ baseball has been there would be some kind of deal worked out for MSG or someone local to broadcast SJ baseball games. I mean they are on the verge of the CWS for crying out loud. I bet a lot of people would watch too if they spent enough in advertising. The south has such an advantage it's not even funny. They always get home games down there, they get all the coverage, all the money, the huge stadiums, the nicest facilities, and the best recruits. We need to show them the New York college baseball means business!

Pretty sure ESPN has complete control of NCAA Tournament games. A school can do a web broadcast but thats about it once the tournament starts.

Remember we aired the final 3 games of the regular season on CBS Sports[/quote

Your pretty sure st.johns games were blacked out from msg by espn? Did monasch tell you this bec. no highlights of
the johnny game were shown.


No. If Monasch told me that I would have said- "Chris Monasch told me......"

I'm using my knowledge of the industry and how the tv rights are handled where ESPN has rights to the NCAA Tournament.

Believe what you want to believe but no need to prod at me with the Monasch remark. 

**** Since you edited your post. Its the NCAA Tournament and ESPN pays for rights to it. UNC is a top program but their games weren't televised. ESPN has certain channels and only so much equipment and staffing which is why others were relegated to home team broadcasts online. Its NCAA baseball also. Do you know how many people are actually watching this stuff? Its minute.
Hey you came after me for getting on monasch who is a bigtime fumbler in my book but you keep putting him in the game moose hes your guy when the games on the line.
Hey you came after me for getting on monasch who is a bigtime fumbler in my book but you keep putting him in the game moose hes your guy when the games on the line.

You really have no idea. What is 'putting him in the game' mean? I wrote Monasch on a number of occasions and lets just say the emails would be right up your alley in terms of questioning things back during the Norm years.

Again ESPN has exclusivity and at the end of the day these 'local' channels are just not going to broadcast STJ baseball. As good as the team is, its not like its a juggernaut. Its just not feasible in many cases. Things cost money to execute and TV equipment isn't exactly fitting in a bag and tossing it on a bus. Not passing the buck but the heat should be why no mention. But again STJ can notify reporters and local stations what's going on but they have to fit it into their program if they feel its worthy.

Love your enthusiasm for STJ but I think in some areas you just gotta look at complete picture. Thank god we can watch the games online. Now for this round were on ESPN2 for every game so no complaints
Since the local media won't respect us, here is a clip of our Regional Championship Win....gotta love all the STJ fans in the house.

 How is it not a juggernaut? This team has the record for most Big East tourney wins and most BE regular season titles. They go to the Tourney regularly and have been the best Big East team or top 3 for years now. I know the Big East is usually not even ranked in baseball or at most 1 or 2 are, but SJ is deserving of about a #15 ranking right now. If SJ were in the south say Texas, you know these games would be televised and the hype would be through the roof. There is no excuse here...NYC is a baseball mecca with the most baseball history. Giants, Dodgers, Mets, Yanks...lots of amazing teams, amazing feats, first black player, Cooperstown (upstate), etc. The culture is here. You know where there is a will there is a way so I don't buy into that contract BS...if they wanted to make it happen they would. Just a shame to have so much success and not capitalize off it especially on such a platform as NYC.
Since the local media won't respect us, here is a clip of our Regional Championship Win....gotta love all the STJ fans in the house.


Great vid! Thanks! At the very least you would think SNY or ESPN if not BOTH would air the game winning HR from the first game, and the clip of them winning the whole series as you just showed. Such a shame.
 How is it not a juggernaut? This team has the record for most Big East tourney wins and most BE regular season titles. They go to the Tourney regularly and have been the best Big East team or top 3 for years now. I know the Big East is usually not even ranked in baseball or at most 1 or 2 are, but SJ is deserving of about a #15 ranking right now. If SJ were in the south say Texas, you know these games would be televised and the hype would be through the roof. There is no excuse here...NYC is a baseball mecca with the most baseball history. Giants, Dodgers, Mets, Yanks...lots of amazing teams, amazing feats, first black player, Cooperstown (upstate), etc. The culture is here. You know where there is a will there is a way so I don't buy into that contract BS...if they wanted to make it happen they would. Just a shame to have so much success and not capitalize off it especially on such a platform as NYC.

Sorry but baseball isn't a Northeast sport. I don't want to put down the program in any way but facts are facts. THE best players go South and West, they win National Championships, they get MORE players drafted. But being the best team in the Northeast is nothing to scoff at.

As for your contract statement. Contracts are contracts. And they are worth millions and in some sports BILLIONS of dollars. They are there for a reason. If I was ESPN and shelled over a ton of money to the NCAA and a member school went rogue I would be mighty pissed.
Since the local media won't respect us, here is a clip of our Regional Championship Win....gotta love all the STJ fans in the house.


Great vid! Thanks! At the very least you would think SNY or ESPN if not BOTH would air the game winning HR from the first game, and the clip of them winning the whole series as you just showed. Such a shame.

Your right. Pressure should be on media for not talking about it. Not the fact it didn't air. Just caught the end of 6pm news on ABC and they showed an amateur video of a high school track meet that had a touching ending. No reason why they couldn't utilize the video like shown in this thread. Total agreement there. But again all depends who's filling out the shows program.
What's really hard to believe is that there is no video clip of either of the UNC games on the redstormsports web site.  