Valarie Ackerman new BE Commissioner

In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

Tell you the truth, no man can be as ruthless as a strong woman leader. Women aren't lead around by their cojones, and that is often a good thing. Ackerman seems like a terrific choice, and women are much more level headed and less reckless than men overall IMO.

Has realfan stolen your password?

You talking to me or sirvoo? Because the first paragraph in what you quoted was his, not mine.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube][/video]
You talking to me or sirvoo? Because the first paragraph in what you quoted was his, not mine.

As a married man you need to steer as clear away from ownership of that comment as possible!

And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

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In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

I think men and women have natural roles they are better at. Leadership is a masculine trait by nature. It takes aggression, testosterone, decisiveness, dedication, among other things men are more known for. On the other hand, women are much more emotionally in touch, nurturing, supportive, etc. Men are definitely more type A, take charge and that's what you look for in leaders. I'm not going to organize a rally if a female is Big East Commish, but I can totally understand where Sirvoo is coming from. It's hard to argue nature. Somewhere along the line liberals thought that women could replace men because we are basically all exactly the same. Women are not designed to replace men, they are designed to compliment men just as men are not designed to replace women, but to compliment them.

In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

I think men and women have natural roles they are better at. Leadership is a masculine trait by nature. It takes aggression, testosterone, decisiveness, dedication, among other things men are more known for. On the other hand, women are much more emotionally in touch, nurturing, supportive, etc. Men are definitely more type A, take charge and that's what you look for in leaders. I'm not going to organize a rally if a female is Big East Commish, but I can totally understand where Sirvoo is coming from. It's hard to argue nature. Somewhere along the line liberals thought that women could replace men because we are basically all exactly the same. Women are not designed to replace men, they are designed to compliment men just as men are not designed to replace women, but to compliment them.


Kitchens and bedrooms... (LOL! I can't believe this discussion)
In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

I think men and women have natural roles they are better at. Leadership is a masculine trait by nature. It takes aggression, testosterone, decisiveness, dedication, among other things men are more known for. On the other hand, women are much more emotionally in touch, nurturing, supportive, etc. Men are definitely more type A, take charge and that's what you look for in leaders. I'm not going to organize a rally if a female is Big East Commish, but I can totally understand where Sirvoo is coming from. It's hard to argue nature. Somewhere along the line liberals thought that women could replace men because we are basically all exactly the same. Women are not designed to replace men, they are designed to compliment men just as men are not designed to replace women, but to compliment them.


Kitchens and bedrooms... (LOL! I can't believe this discussion)

I'm with you guys, what the hell happened here?

Joe, I can't believe Im explaining this, but how can you possibly think men have a monopoly on leadership qualities? Look around you buddy, there are four star generals in the army who are women, CEOs at blue chips like IBM and Lockheed Martin, and more women in political office and on the Supreme Court that's it's not even worth listing them all.

Of all your opinions, this is the most perverse.
In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

I think men and women have natural roles they are better at. Leadership is a masculine trait by nature. It takes aggression, testosterone, decisiveness, dedication, among other things men are more known for. On the other hand, women are much more emotionally in touch, nurturing, supportive, etc. Men are definitely more type A, take charge and that's what you look for in leaders. I'm not going to organize a rally if a female is Big East Commish, but I can totally understand where Sirvoo is coming from. It's hard to argue nature. Somewhere along the line liberals thought that women could replace men because we are basically all exactly the same. Women are not designed to replace men, they are designed to compliment men just as men are not designed to replace women, but to compliment them.


Kitchens and bedrooms... (LOL! I can't believe this discussion)

I'm with you guys, what the hell happened here?

Joe, I can't believe Im explaining this, but how can you possibly think men have a monopoly on leadership qualities? Look around you buddy, there are four star generals in the army who are women, CEOs at blue chips like IBM and Lockheed Martin, and more women in political office and on the Supreme Court that's it's not even worth listing them all.

Of all your opinions, this is the most perverse.

Not all of us are too far gone into feminist drivel. First weed out the affirmative action hires and secondly, why waste time on mere exceptions while ignoring the rule? The fact is that men and women have different but complimentary roles they excel in. Ever hear of the women's happiness studies? As the country becomes more feminist they get even more pissed off and depressed with their lives. If they are so empowered now shouldn't they be thrilled? Many women will tell you themselves "I just want to marry a rich guy and be a housewife!". Deep down many women would give anything to turn back the clock to spend more time with their kids and family rather than being a breadwinner. Women have turned into men and that's why dating is so rare in my generation. It's essentially dead. They want to be treated like princesses, but then they want to be treated like the boss too.

Chivalry and feminism are polar opposites. Chivalry was based on the concept that women were generally weaker, more vulnerable physically/emotionally, etc. Women these days are miserable. All it takes is a quick google search to see the true scope of this and the reason is because feminism is based on the lie that we are exactly the same. We are 2 pieces to the same puzzle, not 2 of the same puzzle pieces. Whether you want to admit it or not, history will tell you that 9 times out of 10 if you want a leader who takes risks (proven to be way more common in men) you pick a man. There are obviously some great women leaders but they are far and few in between. This is well-known, nothing radical. Testosterone and risk taking is something very important for leaders and women are lacking in those areas on average.
In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

Tell you the truth, no man can be as ruthless as a strong woman leader. Women aren't lead around by their cojones, and that is often a good thing. Ackerman seems like a terrific choice, and women are much more level headed and less reckless than men overall IMO.

LOL, listen dude, I happen to think she is an OK choice and definately dont agree with sirvoo, but spare us this silly pseudo-feminist tripe about women supposed advantages.
Women are in fact not as ruthless in general. But i dont think that is necessarily what is needed for that position
In general I'm not a male chauvinist but when it comes to the leadership of the BE, at a crucial time no less, I'm going to have to take that position. I want a person with cojones and I mean that in the literal sense. Get someone who is savvy and won't be wreckless when it's the wrong time of the month.

I think men and women have natural roles they are better at. Leadership is a masculine trait by nature. It takes aggression, testosterone, decisiveness, dedication, among other things men are more known for. On the other hand, women are much more emotionally in touch, nurturing, supportive, etc. Men are definitely more type A, take charge and that's what you look for in leaders. I'm not going to organize a rally if a female is Big East Commish, but I can totally understand where Sirvoo is coming from. It's hard to argue nature. Somewhere along the line liberals thought that women could replace men because we are basically all exactly the same. Women are not designed to replace men, they are designed to compliment men just as men are not designed to replace women, but to compliment them.


Kitchens and bedrooms... (LOL! I can't believe this discussion)

I'm with you guys, what the hell happened here?

Joe, I can't believe Im explaining this, but how can you possibly think men have a monopoly on leadership qualities? Look around you buddy, there are four star generals in the army who are women, CEOs at blue chips like IBM and Lockheed Martin, and more women in political office and on the Supreme Court that's it's not even worth listing them all.

Of all your opinions, this is the most perverse.

Not all of us are too far gone into feminist drivel. First weed out the affirmative action hires and secondly, why waste time on mere exceptions while ignoring the rule? The fact is that men and women have different but complimentary roles they excel in. Ever hear of the women's happiness studies? As the country becomes more feminist they get even more pissed off and depressed with their lives. If they are so empowered now shouldn't they be thrilled? Many women will tell you themselves "I just want to marry a rich guy and be a housewife!". Deep down many women would give anything to turn back the clock to spend more time with their kids and family rather than being a breadwinner. Women have turned into men and that's why dating is so rare in my generation. It's essentially dead. They want to be treated like princesses, but then they want to be treated like the boss too.

Chivalry and feminism are polar opposites. Chivalry was based on the concept that women were generally weaker, more vulnerable physically/emotionally, etc. Women these days are miserable. All it takes is a quick google search to see the true scope of this and the reason is because feminism is based on the lie that we are exactly the same. We are 2 pieces to the same puzzle, not 2 of the same puzzle pieces. Whether you want to admit it or not, history will tell you that 9 times out of 10 if you want a leader who takes risks (proven to be way more common in men) you pick a man. There are obviously some great women leaders but they are far and few in between. This is well-known, nothing radical. Testosterone and risk taking is something very important for leaders and women are lacking in those areas on average.

I think she is more than qualified and hope she gets the job.
Not all of us are too far gone into feminist drivel. First weed out the affirmative action hires and secondly, why waste time on mere exceptions while ignoring the rule? The fact is that men and women have different but complimentary roles they excel in. Ever hear of the women's happiness studies? As the country becomes more feminist they get even more pissed off and depressed with their lives. If they are so empowered now shouldn't they be thrilled? Many women will tell you themselves "I just want to marry a rich guy and be a housewife!". Deep down many women would give anything to turn back the clock to spend more time with their kids and family rather than being a breadwinner. Women have turned into men and that's why dating is so rare in my generation. It's essentially dead. They want to be treated like princesses, but then they want to be treated like the boss too.

Chivalry and feminism are polar opposites. Chivalry was based on the concept that women were generally weaker, more vulnerable physically/emotionally, etc. Women these days are miserable. All it takes is a quick google search to see the true scope of this and the reason is because feminism is based on the lie that we are exactly the same. We are 2 pieces to the same puzzle, not 2 of the same puzzle pieces. Whether you want to admit it or not, history will tell you that 9 times out of 10 if you want a leader who takes risks (proven to be way more common in men) you pick a man. There are obviously some great women leaders but they are far and few in between. This is well-known, nothing radical. Testosterone and risk taking is something very important for leaders and women are lacking in those areas on average.

...And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

Further on for what so shall be known henceforth and in perpetuity as the joe3 clause, all comments of Joe3, aka ressurection of joe, aka redmencomsucks, aka pleasedontbanmeagain, aka joemama, aka jose3, aka Iwillneverposthereagain, aka vivamexico!, aka gloriasteinMAN, aka IamNOTjoe3, aka joes'snicebrother, aka joe3ImSoberNow, aka thistimeIreallywon'teverposthereagain, aka josejosejimenez, aka bongwaterscienceexperiment, aka i'vechangedmymindagainandnowiwillsettherecordfornumberofpostsandforlongestusername(s),
and all other aliases whether they be created under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or mild altering prescription medication, or actual alternate personality from a medically recognized condition, shall be the sole opinion of joe3 whether he be a real human being, fictional character, illegal alien, area 51 alien, great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly, south american tinhorn dictator, or mad scientist. If joe3 or any of the iterations of the joe3 entity be a exposed in her real identity as the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo, the joe3 clause will retain all of its potency and will not require being renamed to the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo Clause.
...And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

Further on for what so shall be known henceforth and in perpetuity as the joe3 clause, all comments of Joe3, aka ressurection of joe, aka redmencomsucks, aka pleasedontbanmeagain, aka joemama, aka jose3, aka Iwillneverposthereagain, aka vivamexico!, aka gloriasteinMAN, aka IamNOTjoe3, aka joes'snicebrother, aka joe3ImSoberNow, aka thistimeIreallywon'teverposthereagain, aka josejosejimenez, aka bongwaterscienceexperiment, aka i'vechangedmymindagainandnowiwillsettherecordfornumberofpostsandforlongestusername(s),
and all other aliases whether they be created under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or mild altering prescription medication, or actual alternate personality from a medically recognized condition, shall be the sole opinion of joe3 whether he be a real human being, fictional character, illegal alien, area 51 alien, great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly, south american tinhorn dictator, or mad scientist. If joe3 or any of the iterations of the joe3 entity be a exposed in her real identity as the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo, the joe3 clause will retain all of its potency and will not require being renamed to the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo Clause.

My vote for Post of the Year! Is Paul eligible to win an award?
Not all of us are too far gone into feminist drivel. First weed out the affirmative action hires and secondly, why waste time on mere exceptions while ignoring the rule? The fact is that men and women have different but complimentary roles they excel in. Ever hear of the women's happiness studies? As the country becomes more feminist they get even more pissed off and depressed with their lives. If they are so empowered now shouldn't they be thrilled? Many women will tell you themselves "I just want to marry a rich guy and be a housewife!". Deep down many women would give anything to turn back the clock to spend more time with their kids and family rather than being a breadwinner. Women have turned into men and that's why dating is so rare in my generation. It's essentially dead. They want to be treated like princesses, but then they want to be treated like the boss too.

Chivalry and feminism are polar opposites. Chivalry was based on the concept that women were generally weaker, more vulnerable physically/emotionally, etc. Women these days are miserable. All it takes is a quick google search to see the true scope of this and the reason is because feminism is based on the lie that we are exactly the same. We are 2 pieces to the same puzzle, not 2 of the same puzzle pieces. Whether you want to admit it or not, history will tell you that 9 times out of 10 if you want a leader who takes risks (proven to be way more common in men) you pick a man. There are obviously some great women leaders but they are far and few in between. This is well-known, nothing radical. Testosterone and risk taking is something very important for leaders and women are lacking in those areas on average.

...And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

Further on for what so shall be known henceforth and in perpetuity as the joe3 clause, all comments of Joe3, aka ressurection of joe, aka redmencomsucks, aka pleasedontbanmeagain, aka joemama, aka jose3, aka Iwillneverposthereagain, aka vivamexico!, aka gloriasteinMAN, aka IamNOTjoe3, aka joes'snicebrother, aka joe3ImSoberNow, aka thistimeIreallywon'teverposthereagain, aka josejosejimenez, aka bongwaterscienceexperiment, aka i'vechangedmymindagainandnowiwillsettherecordfornumberofpostsandforlongestusername(s),
and all other aliases whether they be created under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or mild altering prescription medication, or actual alternate personality from a medically recognized condition, shall be the sole opinion of joe3 whether he be a real human being, fictional character, illegal alien, area 51 alien, great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly, south american tinhorn dictator, or mad scientist. If joe3 or any of the iterations of the joe3 entity be a exposed in her real identity as the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo, the joe3 clause will retain all of its potency and will not require being renamed to the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo Clause.

How did you know I was also Josejosejimenez?! Touche sir, touche. :woohoo:
...And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

Further on for what so shall be known henceforth and in perpetuity as the joe3 clause, all comments of Joe3, aka ressurection of joe, aka redmencomsucks, aka pleasedontbanmeagain, aka joemama, aka jose3, aka Iwillneverposthereagain, aka vivamexico!, aka gloriasteinMAN, aka IamNOTjoe3, aka joes'snicebrother, aka joe3ImSoberNow, aka thistimeIreallywon'teverposthereagain, aka josejosejimenez, aka bongwaterscienceexperiment, aka i'vechangedmymindagainandnowiwillsettherecordfornumberofpostsandforlongestusername(s),
and all other aliases whether they be created under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or mild altering prescription medication, or actual alternate personality from a medically recognized condition, shall be the sole opinion of joe3 whether he be a real human being, fictional character, illegal alien, area 51 alien, great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly, south american tinhorn dictator, or mad scientist. If joe3 or any of the iterations of the joe3 entity be a exposed in her real identity as the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo, the joe3 clause will retain all of its potency and will not require being renamed to the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo Clause.

My vote for Post of the Year! Is Paul eligible to win an award?

I named a softball league a long time ago that I started for my friends and I after myself and a member here has a football stadium named after his father so I dont see why Paul wouldnt be eligble for post of the year. Heck we can name the award after him also.
House that Frida Kahlo shared with Diego Rivera in Guanajuato is now a very nice museum. I know I was trained in part by crazed Maryknoll sisters just out of the Guatemalan jungles working in rebel controlled villages, but isn't Paul quite the closet revolutionary.
...And this is a good time to reiterate that the comments made on this forum reflect the views of their original poster and any and all disclaimers standard or otherwise apply. Comments may be used to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. The creation of straw men to argue against things neither said nor implied as well as the repetition of previously discredited memes is common as is the steering of the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions.

Further on for what so shall be known henceforth and in perpetuity as the joe3 clause, all comments of Joe3, aka ressurection of joe, aka redmencomsucks, aka pleasedontbanmeagain, aka joemama, aka jose3, aka Iwillneverposthereagain, aka vivamexico!, aka gloriasteinMAN, aka IamNOTjoe3, aka joes'snicebrother, aka joe3ImSoberNow, aka thistimeIreallywon'teverposthereagain, aka josejosejimenez, aka bongwaterscienceexperiment, aka i'vechangedmymindagainandnowiwillsettherecordfornumberofpostsandforlongestusername(s),
and all other aliases whether they be created under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or mild altering prescription medication, or actual alternate personality from a medically recognized condition, shall be the sole opinion of joe3 whether he be a real human being, fictional character, illegal alien, area 51 alien, great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jelly, south american tinhorn dictator, or mad scientist. If joe3 or any of the iterations of the joe3 entity be a exposed in her real identity as the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo, the joe3 clause will retain all of its potency and will not require being renamed to the Resurrection of Frida Kahlo Clause.

My vote for Post of the Year! Is Paul eligible to win an award?

I named a softball league a long time ago that I started for my friends and I after myself and a member here has a football stadium named after his father so I dont see why Paul wouldnt be eligble for post of the year. Heck we can name the award after him also.

Just a bit of trivia (?): The greatest pitcher to never win the Cy Young award?

Answer: Cy Young
Joe, this is usually where it starts. You go off on some tangent and talk about political correctness or liberals, it leads you to become combative in your posts and eventually leads to, well, your latest name reincarnation on this board says it all.

For those of you who don't think woman can't be ruthless, you might want to talk to some divorced men who might tell you differently. I definately can think of two right of the back.

Get the best available person for the job, period and if she is it, good for her and the Conference.