Tyler Olander suspended by CONNU


Staff member
2023 $upporter Moderator
For DUI, his second arrest in 6 months.
Some things just never change at CONNU.
He started 26 games last season and was slated to start this year as Facey has yet to be cleared by the NCAA.
What BS....a $75 fine.
Even though they claim he was under the .08 legal limit, it was still underage drinking and driving without a license.


Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-36

Sec. 14-36. Motor vehicle operator's license. [Effective until October 1, 2013]

(a) Motor vehicle operator's license required for operation of motor vehicle.

Except as otherwise provided by this section and section 14-40a, no person shall operate a motor vehicle on any public highway of this state or private road on which a speed limit has been established in accordance with subsection (a) of section 14-218a until such person has obtained a motor vehicle operator's license.


(i) Penalties.

(1) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, for a first offense, be deemed to have committed an infraction and be fined not less than seventy-five dollars or more than ninety dollars and, for any subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than two hundred fifty dollars or more than three hundred fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.
I'm not condoning the environment that persists at UCONN, but something like 30-40% of all males in the US are arrested at least once before they turn 23.
There isn't a crisis at UCONN or in college athletics (in this regard at least), this is just America
I'm not condoning the environment that persists at UCONN, but something like 30-40% of all males in the US are arrested at least once before they turn 23.
There isn't a crisis at UCONN or in college athletics (in this regard at least), this is just America

What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.

Stats are what they are. Objective. What you make of them is up to you. Conspiracies may be one option if you don't agree with the facts. 2+2=4 but maybe a government conspiracy resulted in that according to some. I just say 2+2=4 because it's true. Others will argue that seeing 2+2=4 is racist...or...numberist?
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.

Stats are what they are. Objective. What you make of them is up to you. Conspiracies may be one option if you don't agree with the facts. 2+2=4 but maybe a government conspiracy resulted in that according to some. I just say 2+2=4 because it's true. Others will argue that seeing 2+2=4 is racist...or...numberist?

I used to like reading this board
Why is it only the response that gets critiqued? Why not the original post which was responded to? It was a stupid stat to begin with. I can just as easily accuse him of being sexist. We can play the "You are a ___ist" game, or we can worry about the actual content and see who's correct in what they said. Are we not men here? Jeez. Walking on eggshells is an understatement.
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.

Stats are what they are. Objective. What you make of them is up to you. Conspiracies may be one option if you don't agree with the facts. 2+2=4 but maybe a government conspiracy resulted in that according to some. I just say 2+2=4 because it's true. Others will argue that seeing 2+2=4 is racist...or...numberist?

I used to like reading this board

No one is hijacking your eyeballs forcing you to read certain things. Do you also tell people in public not to kiss because it offends you? They will tell you to keep walking, and I'll tell you to keep scrolling.
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.

Stats are what they are. Objective. What you make of them is up to you. Conspiracies may be one option if you don't agree with the facts. 2+2=4 but maybe a government conspiracy resulted in that according to some. I just say 2+2=4 because it's true. Others will argue that seeing 2+2=4 is racist...or...numberist?

I used to like reading this board

No one is hijacking your eyeballs forcing you to read certain things. Do you also tell people in public not to kiss because it offends you? They will tell you to keep walking, and I'll tell you to keep scrolling.
Joe - I generally think you take a lot of crap on this board for no reason. However, the politics have to go. They are offensive and unrelated to basketball.
What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

You can't but express your racism, can you? Even when mere silence is such an easy option.

Stats are what they are. Objective. What you make of them is up to you. Conspiracies may be one option if you don't agree with the facts. 2+2=4 but maybe a government conspiracy resulted in that according to some. I just say 2+2=4 because it's true. Others will argue that seeing 2+2=4 is racist...or...numberist?

You're an ignorant racist bastard. Stick to talking about sports. You're less ignorant there.
I'm not condoning the environment that persists at UCONN, but something like 30-40% of all males in the US are arrested at least once before they turn 23.
There isn't a crisis at UCONN or in college athletics (in this regard at least), this is just America

What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

I grew up in a town that was almost entirely white and you'd be hard-pressed to find any guy that didn't have at least a few citations or arrests for something drinking related. I've seen cops hand out 50 citations at one outdoor keg party. DUIs? Forget about it. If anything, I think that stat seems low irrespective of race.
I'm not condoning the environment that persists at UCONN, but something like 30-40% of all males in the US are arrested at least once before they turn 23.
There isn't a crisis at UCONN or in college athletics (in this regard at least), this is just America

What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

I grew up in a town that was almost entirely white and you'd be hard-pressed to find any guy that didn't have at least a few citations or arrests for something drinking related. I've seen cops hand out 50 citations at one outdoor keg party. DUIs? Forget about it. If anything, I think that stat seems low irrespective of race.

Did they at least let you finish the keg stand?
I'm not condoning the environment that persists at UCONN, but something like 30-40% of all males in the US are arrested at least once before they turn 23.
There isn't a crisis at UCONN or in college athletics (in this regard at least), this is just America

What a ridiculous statistic. Ridiculous because you aren't telling the obvious whole story and is very misleading. Draw your own conclusions as to what I mean.

I grew up in a town that was almost entirely white and you'd be hard-pressed to find any guy that didn't have at least a few citations or arrests for something drinking related. I've seen cops hand out 50 citations at one outdoor keg party. DUIs? Forget about it. If anything, I think that stat seems low irrespective of race.

Citations? He said arrests. You are probably comparing parking violations with being arrested for robbery. The stats completely disagree with what you guys are saying. If it were up to me there would be no crime committed by no one. I can't control what the stats are but I can report them and cite them. Doing such does not make you the "r" word. That word has been thrown around so much for no reason that it lost its luster and means nothing now. Using that word to throw at someone means you have nothing else to argue back. It's the equivalent of waving a white flag in a last resort. I don't control the fact that 2+2=4, but it's maddening when someone says 2+2=13. If I argued the way you are with me I could just call you ageist and sexist, but I have stats on my side. The stats are unfortunate but true. Why run from them and cover your eyes?

Anyway, that was brought up in the first place, I was just responding. Don't put it out there if you don't want it challenged. I think UConn is going to be a very good team this year and I wish we still had them.
I called you a racist because you felt compelled to take a generic statement and bring up race---when it was absolutely not necessary. Along with being racist, you have some mental health issues that I am not qualified to diagnose---except that they are so obvious, even to a layman. Enjoy your day.
I can't control what the stats are but I can report them and cite them. Doing such does not make you the "r" word. That word has been thrown around so much for no reason that it lost its luster and means nothing now. Using that word to throw at someone means you have nothing else to argue back. It's the equivalent of waving a white flag in a last resort. I don't control the fact that 2+2=4, but it's maddening when someone says 2+2=13. If I argued the way you are with me I could just call you ageist and sexist, but I have stats on my side. The stats are unfortunate but true. Why run from them and cover your eyes?

Anyway, that was brought up in the first place, I was just responding. Don't put it out there if you don't want it challenged

You didn't report or cite any statistics. Allow me to recap. MBC Desco reported a statistic from a recent study which suggested that 30 percent of all Americans had been arrested by the time they were 23. His point was that what happened in Uconn was symptomatic of what is happening across society more broadly: that is, a complete moral breakdown as civilization plunges into the abyss. Being a member of the Smratest Generation ® and a proud graduate of Marist University, the finest school of higher learning (including community colleges and barber schools) in the entire city of Poughkeepsie, and which is sometimes referred to as the Sorbonne of the Mid Hudson Valley, you will have read the study and noted that there was no demographic breakdown, meaning no statistics about your er bete noire, race. Still, you maintain that there are statistics, and that you cited them. Whereas the only equation you cited was 2+2, which you claim equals minority.

The moron Chris Matthews once said, after one of President Obama's speeches, that the speech was so good that he (Matthews) forgot for a second that President Obama was a black man. Presumably that means that the rest of the time the first thing he thinks is: hey look, a black man. Which makes him a racist by definition. Me, I know I'm an achromat because when I see Obama the first thing I think is: look at that chowderhead with the jug ears. Which is the same thing I think when I see Ross Perot. Which makes me pure of spirit. You are told a number - 30 percent - and see instead a color - swarthy. Either you have some racial issues or you have some degree of cognitive impairment in your occipital lobe. Either way you should get it checked out.

And the hilarious part is you claim to have a Master's degree in psychology. It's as if Oprah had a doctorate in nutrition.