Ticket Exchange

Have two extra tix in section 120 for uconn game. Going for $200+ on 3rd party sites. Looking to pass off much less to Johnny fan. Let me know if interested.
Selling my 2 tix to the creighton game. Section 107, dead center, only $100 each (currently going for 140 each on stubhub). Please DM
I have one extra for the DePaul game. The seat is center court, Row 9. I’ll sell it for $50, which I’m pretty sure is well below face value.

Also have two tickets for the Seton Hall game in the same location.
Literally giving away tickets while loyal season ticket holders like us pay full price. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
In Matthew 20 is the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Some men worked all day long in the heat of the day. Some worked only half a day, and some worked only one hour, but they all got paid the same amount, a day's wage. Some got exactly what they agreed to, but others got more.
In Matthew 20 is the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Some men worked all day long in the heat of the day. Some worked only half a day, and some worked only one hour, but they all got paid the same amount, a day's wage. Some got exactly what they agreed to, but others got more.
You just back from wedding feast at Cana and wiped out all the wine? 😇
I would like to take my wife and daughter to the game today but can't afford stubbing prices is there anyone that can't use 3 tickets for todays game?
I would like to take my wife and daughter to the game today but can't afford stubbing prices is there anyone that can't use 3 tickets for todays game?
Ugghhoo! Found out I couldn't go yesterday, and just got rid of 2 of my 3 earlier this morning. Still have a single for anyone interested for what I paid. Sect 109 row 21.