Shirley you can't be serious Fun. You know as well as I do that comparing GT to the greatest teams of all time, as Louie allegedly did, and emphatically declaring them "the greatest team of all time", as Sims said he did, are two completely differant things. My point was that I highly doubted that Louie declared them the greatest team of all time OVER the UCLA and Indiana teams.
I don't find the OP's unrefreshed recollection of what the Loo said 30 years ago too far off, and certainly not "completely different" but then I am generous of spirit, as is well known. Completely different to me would be if he recalled Loo saying GT was the greatest ever team ever, whereas Loo had said that they were a species of fish or a fine example of ancient Egyptian pottery. One of the greatest and the greatest being separated merely by the few other ones who are great also.
Speaking of parsing hyperbole I wondered briefly why you took "the man" as a reference to the other guy but then recalled how sensitive you (royal) all are to my little drolleries, japes and monkeyshines. It's a cross I bear as best I can. It being hours later I don't recall why I used that phrase exactly - ptm shirley is something Norman Chad says at the end of his column when somebody hits it - but my intent might have been to highlight the correlation between your mention of Indiana and UCLA and Loo's. That is, it might have been that you were the man. Think of the glory! We'll never know of course, me having said too much already and always facing the threat of the rabbit hole. So perhaps we might agree to having had an agreeable disagreement and speak of this no further. Or if you prefer a disagreeable agreement. In any event, schtum.