[quote="Beast of the East" post=346393][quote="bamafan" post=346387]Mike Cragg as AD fundraisers for the athletic department. By all accounts it would seem that MC and M Repole still are on good terms. If MC asks for a contribution MR might still say yes despite his issues with Gempeshaw and Oliva because it is still his alma mater and he loves the basketball program. Would the administration turn down his contribution? It ain't blood money and they would be beyond any level of stupid to do so.[/quote]
What do you mean by all accounts Repole and Cragg are still on good terms? Can you quote a single one of these accounts?
Nick Vendikos is the senior director of athletic giving, and Paul Sclafani is the associate director. Chris Vaupel is the Vice President for Advancement and University Relations. I'm somewhat aware of whats going on and interact with all four, and I'm not sure if Nick and Paul report to Chris or to Mike, so I'm not sure if you do. I haven't seen an org chart, and quite frankly don't care to. I do know that a ton of people of importance at SJU are livid at Repole, and at this point would not be treated warmly by most if not all of leadership.
If you really think that Cragg, an employee who reports directly to Oliva, and Oliva who reports directly to Gempeshaw, and Gemeshaw who reports directly to the BOT, is going to maintain a warm and fuzzy relationship with a guy who torched and called for the firing of all of the superiors above him, I think that would be wishful thinking on your part.
To have sought out Francesa, who has barely done a damned thing ever for the university, never given a dime, and who claims he was somehow wronged and constantly maligns the schools was reasons enough to piss off a ton of people. AS some of our most respected posters will tell you, Francesa only emceed the President's dinner, was always poorly prepared, often strung the university out till the last possible minute, and the final time showed up dressed inappropriately. Subsequently, the school turned to Bruce Beck, who went to Rutgers, but "bleeds St. John's red" as he put it, was always supremely prepared and eloquent in his love for the school.[/quote]
Just created a long reply to you and it disappeared. The bottom
line was you have inside connections, I don’t.
You respect the management more than I.
I like Mike Repole and thought he had a platform on WFAN that the rest of us do not. He was able to vent what many of us felt - frustration over decades of bad decisions and questionable ability to
Manage our program.
We were going up and down, mostly down.
We’ve never met.
I like you, enjoy most of your posts.
But the time has come to forgive, forget and move on.
There’s stress in life - a long time Army buddy of mine died Wednesday. Puts life into
I prefer not to read this site only to have more stress, negative and contentious “ stuff “ thrown in my face.
Let’s get on with it.
Let’s enjoy the fact that it seems we stumbled upon a good coach and are headed in a fine direction.
Go Redmen!
Go Storm!!
Go St. John’s!!!