I’ve seen photos of Walter at some events. I’m sure some posters closer to the program can provide details.With all of this talk about Walter Berry, it makes me think of the fact that I don't believe I've ever seen him around our program over the past two decades. We've seen tons of former players come back and spend time around the program, but I can't recall seeing Walter often, if at all. Anyone know why this is?
Walter also completed his degree at SJU back in 2010. Same class as Anthony Mason Jr. (Norm’s final season. Too bad he couldn’t use his final year of eligibility.

St. John's Universityâ?<sup>TM</sup>s 140th Commencement Exercises, May 16, 2010: Walter Berry., 1986 National Player Of The Year Walter Berry Among STJ Grads At 140th Commencement