Seton Hall, Sun. Feb. 21, Noon, FS1 & 570 AM

I would like to see Ellison with Mussini. Great block party by Yawke.
Disappointed that our errant passing has not improved more.

The guys are still throwing the ball away too much. That baseline kickout to the opposing team is getting old.
Pathetic showing, outclassed or not thus far.

Maybe now people will understand why I don't think PT should be a given for any of the returning players

Do you ever stop trying to prove your point? Wish our defense was as relentless. :)

Not my point it is what is right and I am just trying to enlighten the unenlightened. You know how like when people thought the world was flat and it benefitted them from learning it wasn't.

Maybe you could "enlighten" a tad less. :)

I feel I owe it to the board, besides can you imagine this place w/o me. Only so many threads you can have about a point guard recruit from Uganda or posts breaking down the 23 points we might score today

Only so many posts predicting freshmen as sophomores, unless of course from Kreskin or Nostradamus. If you were coaching Providence Bentl would have never gotten off the bench this year.
Being a lefty is such a huge benefit for a shot blocker.
No matter what else, Yakwe is a pleasure to root for. Guy has both the special athletic gifts and the unrelenting hustle and drive to get the ball.