Pointer's hair reminded me of a character in the show "White Shadow"
white shadow cast
That was when hoops was cool

Pointer's hair reminded me of a character in the show "White Shadow"
white shadow cast
Pointer's hair reminded me of a character in the show "White Shadow"
white shadow cast
I just told my wife I am feeling very guilty for not being there today.
you and Kira should have been in 114 today. Nat's dad came to his 1st game ever today. He loved it. Now we are dragging him down to Nova just in case he might be a good luck charm
I'll see ya in Philly MJ
Defintely. That's where I met MattC for the 1st time. I'll intro you to some of the other redmen guys like Weatherman etc
really impressed with our new prez.
monasch however.....................................................................................
Came across this today so had to add it here in honor of Detroit and Dom. This is "Prince" from his days as a Baller:
@NYPost_Brazille: "I'm going to cry, I'm not going to lie" An emotional Senior Day on tap for #sjubb's @DangeloHarrison @philgreene31http://t.co/6aL9XtWyU8
A boy who came here so angry that he was unable to smile will leave here a man unafraid to publicly cry. #thebestthingaboutsju