Was he wearing a tie when he said it? We all know Desco has his own set of priorities. If he hates unicorns so be it.
I love unicorns, as part of myths and fables, and for little girls to play with.
I'm not a big fan of our coach comparing our team to robin hood and little john, unicorns, or big box stores.
Come on man, you're a really good guy, but try having to speak to the media nearly every day in season and see how much criticism you get for every single comment when some fans aren't happy with where the team is.
Wright, JT3, Cooley, Mack, etc all speak to the media just as often, and yet they don't call their players ridiculous names.
Plenty of things out there to gripe about. This isn't one.
Vandy coach said he'll kill his player.
You really have an issue with nicknames? Give it a rest for awhile.
I'll gripe about whatever I choose to, thank you.
Our coach's bullsh*t is something that irks me. And I don't apologize for that.
And many coaches may misspeak, but ours takes it to a different level completely.