Adam Zagoria – @AdamZagoria
Rhody was up 24 when they took their starters out. Watch out for @dhurley15 's team. Plays Cincy and Duke/PSU in 2 weeks.
Down 24 when they took their starters out does not sound very competitive as per earlier reports. Must have been our AD's opinion.
No shame in losing to Rhode Island who are going to be really good this year. What is a shame is the questionable report that the starters were pulled out by the Hurley suck up artist. Heard that this was not the case and heard we were not totally outclassed. This is encouraging
Yeah, even some RI reports had them up 20 when they pulled starters. That differed from SJU feedback, so cut difference in half. The important thing is SJU competed well with a quality team & betterment is what counts, not a scrimmage final score. I do believe this team is on the road to improvement & a quality scrimmage is an ingredient in such. It surely beats a Baruch encounter, hard to gauge much from that.